Tuesday 29th October Day 23

I didn’t wake up until 7:20  and still felt very tired as if I had been up all night but in fact I turned the light out relatively early. dying to get a WhatsApp message from S but very deliberately did not send her one. She did send a morning greeting so then we had a brief wassapp. She said she’ll try and send me an email and I said why doesn’t she try recording a message? I was thinking afterwards why it is that she is so reluctant to record a message and I thought perhaps that she is afraid that she might say something she didn’t wish to and all one can do  is delete the message and start again. [I don’t know why this recording is going so badly maybe the iPhone needs a good Internet connection to accept dictation]
 any way back to recording messages.And I think Felicity has the same problem as S. It doesn’t bother me because I am deliberately not censoring my speech or writing, so if I say or write something that makes me feel uncomfortable I just treat that as information and accept the consequences. But if I am to do that I really need to forget about my audience  my one listener or reader, my favorite listener or reader. [I wish I could work out why the iPhone whenever I hesitate or when I insert a full stop then puts in catch or catch up or Catchpole which seems very strange since I’m making no noise at all. And why Catchpole of all words?].

I seem to be making heavy weather of my day already and it is only 1030. I’ve retreated to my caravan to have a proper meditate and to try ringing Pol.

And I am radically reconfiguring my telephones as the Bonnevaux mobile is no more. I’ll put my co-op chip back in the Nokia and put the Bonnevaux orange chip into the Wiko and see what happens. [nothing did and I even called Pol on my old Nokia with my CoOp SIM reinstalled. Later I skyped her using the iPhone and we had a nice chat and I'm staying with her on November 10]

Whooppee we are at long last having a general election on December 12. I have registered for a proxy / overseas vote.

Spent my first night alone in La B's old room. Looks a bit empty and forlorn without her things, but I'm hanging my pictures and it's full of my laundry, and my old heater from Sweffling. Still doesn't feel like home, as the caravan, for all its squalor, does.

the Chinese Laundry (or is that racist?)

The Mad Field, off centre

I was going to include a picture of my new Titre de Sejour ID card, but that would destroy the anonymous nature (ha ha) of this blog.
