Tuesday 19 February. Day 265 / 41 and Wednesday Day 266 / 42

Not smoking reveals the existential emptiness of my existsence.

Full moon. Thomas says it is biodynamically a very bad time to do anything. I had a terrible night. Feeling very sorry for self this morning (Wednesday). La B told me to decide to do one thing, go for a walk, as long as I liked, and then come back and do the thing. I went for the walk, and saw my first  sanglier. We saw each other, and just stood stock still, looking at each other, for about 10 minutes. Then he turned and wandered off. Absolutely silent, didn't even crack a twig. Then, on the way back I saw two little deer, with enormous round ears, and two lumps of spawn (toad I think) at the south end of the lake.

I am now doing the thing.
