Sunday 3rd February Day 249 / 25

Ridiculously happy. Rule. For today. Thought I was manic yesterday and about to go low, that all this, the last year, Bonnevaux, sobriety, S, was just mania. And especially Advent.

Song by Sting for Susanne, but also about god – every breath you take, every move you make - i’ll be with you whenever you breathe, wherever you are

this morning in meditation. yaah weyh. Just breathing. Immanuel. No distance. No mystery.

Send blog to jim – about the rule, humility, authority, burning the Word, deep honesty / undividedness. S, sex, guilt. Meditation not a chore or a task, just a privilege. And a waste if I do not sit with god for the whole half hour. The joy of today after yesterday.

Dr Keith Witt and the kink, last night

Stove on, sun shining, batteries charging, god in our heaven. etd

And then the reading at lunchtime - 1 Corinthians 12:31 to 13:13 ". . . the greatest of these is love."

i'm just weeping, overflowing 
