Wednesday 23 January. Day 238 / 14

It's like applying pen to paper in my sketchbook - I just have to start, not worry about or think about what I'm going to say, especially because the time when I most need to do this is arguably the time when I am least inclined to start, when I am reduced to a frustrating and futile silence and inarticulacy.

Rather pathetic attempts to capture the 'blood' moon - huge and low on the eastern horizon. Larger than it will be again until 2029, AC says. Partial eclipse on Sunday morning, which I noticed, but did not realise what it was.

DC has pneumonia. AC is taking her to see Sean Boylan in Dublin this weekend, they're getting the ferry from Cherbourg direct to Dublin. Meanwhile she's started antibiotics and AC's taking her for blood tests this morning.

AC is very happy, roaring around with HL sorting out the Picasso insurance and switching it from his personal ownership (or SCI's) to the Association, and arranging a minibus to ferry the Guiding Board around when they visit before Easter. She (HL) liberates him because she speaks very good French (worked here for 20 years after reading French and German at university) and understands the French approach to things. He took us all out to lunch at Le Palais yesterday. I think Mme. Bourtin was very pleased to see us. At the end her mari, who is also the butcher next door and the Mayor of Coulombiers, came in to chat to TL because he helped TL when he was first looking for land in Poitiers, before TL had discovered Bonnevaux.

A lovely discuss with Herve and TL about options for irrigating TL's parcel and building an access road. Nice because Herve doesn't think my ideas are silly, which possibly helps my relationship with TL, or at least his attitude to me (e.g. that having a pump and a reservoir at the top of the hill isn't such a stupid idea)

Talking to HL at lunch about how her life seemed to accelerate 2 years ago - her 'runway lights' experience / dream. I thought it was just me, or something to do with my age, or stopping drinking, but perhaps there really is something happening and changing all over, that we are all responding to - a crisis reaction perhaps, that we know things are going critical and we need to change, to act. That everything - brexit, trump, bonnevaux, all theses personal experiences (why are AC and DC here? it's extraordinary really, why did I finally stop drinking, or for that matter Aden and Lottie?). Even Craig Hamilton and his Meditation 2.0 for only $597. And is that so bad?

Watch and wait. Craig Hamilton is right, it is right here, in front of our nose, we just have to let go, be as little children. And stop judging. It's not this, it's not that, this isn't what I was expecting  . . .

I am pleased with my no smoking effort. It's a nice proof of Belle's method too, especially as I didn't want to stop that desperately. In theory, tomorrow I could smoke. Or reset to 30 days. It's a bit depressing that I still want to smoke, so often and so much (well several times a day, for a few minutes) - although the drawing therapy seems to do the trick.
