Monday 21 January 2019. Day 236 / 12

It's a cliche, but it's still true, and a delight. Opening my coffee tin this morning to make my first cup of the day, and the intense pleasure and smell of the coffee - took me back to Pragraten and the Ost Tirol and snow and knurdl suppe. Something else I noticed the other day, smelling what should have been a really nice whisky from the bottle, and getting the smell and flavour (I didn't drink it) of the very first time I smelt whisky, before I had ever drunk it, and how unpleasant it was. Strange that until now I should smell something different. Is it imagination, or anticipation, or does having drunk it a lot, having got used to it, change it's flavour ? Is that how we "acquire the taste" for something.?

And yesterday all I had to eat was porridge and the last of my andeenbeeren from Basel, the remains of the lentil dal I made on Friday, and leek and potato soup that Mark Katherine made, following Delyth's instructions. All very simple, all delicious.

HelenL arrived on the Ryanair flight at tea time. I met her in the office where AC was giving her the full SP (I don't think he had even offered her a cup of tea or shown her her room). M-KA and Swiss Debbie furiously cleaning all afternoon. Me doing  nothing and feeling sorry for myself (got very depressed in the afternoon, and overcome with lassitude, doing nothing - actually I did eventually manage to copy everything off the office computer to put on to my Dell - all 15 GB of it, going back years, to Top Trucks and Naxos and editing the WCCM newsletter in the naughties). It turned out I was just hungry and tired, as La B pointed out very quickly. For which my delicious dal was the more than adequate cure. It really did have everything in it (but no anchovies - I thought of putting in a can of sardines, but decided not)

Alarm's gone for morning med

more on HL. She's fine, a bit wired as she described herself at this morning's meeting. Funny how I judge women with makeup.

painting and writing this blog are creative pleasures and good for me, but like meditation, I need to practice. I've got out og the habit of writing this, and that makes it much more difficult to start again. M-KA made a good joke at this morning's discussion of the Rule - Doctors practice (i.e. they're just learning, trying things out). We're all practicing life, really, and mostly not doing very well. But as HL said, the main thing is, you just have to show up.

AC being bursar, and slowly acknowledging me as estate manager, bit by bit. and even TL. J-CC seems pleased, which is the important thing.

the rule this morning - Chapter 4.

Sacasas on unmasking and the persona

visiting La B's mum on Saturday - S sent her a photo and she said "she felt me in her heart", which is nice. I hope she's not disappointed. It is funny how no-one seems to think we're an odd couple, or if they do, they're too polite to mention it. I suppose in this age of same sex and all the other permutations we come up with, maybe just being 25 years apart doesn't seem very odd. But it's rather nice. Just as long as La B doesn't get fed up with the pensioner.

what's wrong with Craig Hamilton charging for the kingdom of heaven? $597 or $197 in 3 instalments. It's a bargain surely? 
