Friday January 11 Day 226

bit like that scene in the Great Silence - the monk in his cell listening to the ticking of his stove. I've done a non-smoking picture this am, and chopped firewood, and feel v ill - blood pressury. maybe my lovely stove is gassing me - left the vent closed last night. Seems unfair given I'm not smoking.

they've lost the (my, that is) talking stone. the downstairs loo had no loo paper in it, the towel was filthy, and the carpet. what would this place be like if HH and i didn't appear at regular intervals? actually RB's pretty good - well at least she notices. she nearly missed her flight yesterday, AC had to bully her in to the car (just saying goodbye to the cats just charging my phone) and when they got there the gate was closed, silly baskets let her in anyway. if they had not we wd have had to pay her fare. but AC said how much better she has been this time, than a year ago, which is encouraging.

I've posted my drawing to la B and belle. a picture of the caravan
