Thursday 18 October Day 140 To Ngoc Van, Hanoi

Lost my memory stick, again. Looked everywhere, no sign. Can only think I dropped it somewhere on my shopping trip yesterday. It turned up quite quickly - trapped at the bottom of my sponge bag into which I'd looked at least twice before.

Did stuff at home - checked out flights, bought the axe for Johnny, blogged - then we went out and I swapped some euros for dong and we went to the IT shop to pick up the computer (£3 a day, 5mn dong - €200 - deposit) and then off to a nice café

our office for the afternoon.
Felt a bit guilty - we stayed at the nice café from about 3 until we went off to eat at 7, both our machines plugged in - and drank 1 lime juice, 2 small coffees and a beer, but Aden said everyone does it and they like to have bums on seats, makes the place more interesting: still think we cost them more in electricity than we paid for our drinks. 
Aden spent the afternoon working on his mag and I struggled with Lulu's epub system, unsuccessfully. It's almost as if they don't want 'amateurs' trying to do it. And the answers on the help forum seem very old. Then off to a nice meal in a very empty but swish restaurant. with a violinist. The emptiness was explained when 3 coachloads of Portuguese turned up after about half an hour and filled the place.

Went home, Aden went out again (got back at 6am to have an argument with his upstairs neighbour, a UK Somali brewer, who was upset with A for not coming to a meal with a Vietnamese neighbour). A seems quite angry, generally, despite our having cleared the air on Wednesday night, I hoped. I bit my tongue when he started accusing me of being
'angry' and 'shouting' although I think he was right out of line. He's been a moody nightmare since I arrived, supposedly about something I said to him on Naxos 4 years ago. Accused me of taking no interest in what he's doing, constantly interrupting him, not listening . . . I don't think I'm hearing this week`s news, but stuff that goes a long way back. It's a bit like the row we had after Da's funeral, outside White Horse Cottage in the dark, in 2011/12. Him shouting and screaming at me, me sober (thank god). It's quite funny, everything he says he's been feeling, and everything he said about my behaviour since I got here is a perfect mirror of my reactions to and experience of him. How he keeps blanking me, shows no interest in what I've been up to, discussions turning into bad tempered rants, moody and pissed off most of the time. I told him about S (because I was fed up he hadn't asked or said anything) and almost regret it. It felt as if I was boasting (I wasn't). Anyway he asked nothing about her.

The 'you're angry, you're shouting' stuff was pure trigger speak. I was in the end both, after having listened quietly for some time, and being put in the frame for his unhappiness, and accused of all sorts of things (basically, I've been tip toeing around him since I arrived, afraid he was about to explode). He says I've spent a lot of time on the computer and phone, which is probably true. Or watching telly. Or asleep. hau. And not going out, which also seems to upset him.

A load of stuff from Bonnevaux which I'm trying to ignore, mostly the lake. The bill and other complications just keep ballooning (being cheerfully inflated by everyone - I wonder what Laurence thinks - tearing his hair out if he had any, I imagine).

Anyway I stayed home and watched Terry Gilliam's 12 Monkeys with Bruce Willis. Very good, and Gilliam kept it together. A sad but satisfying ending. And then a bit of wassapp with B, who's tired and pmt  and a bit fed up, and so to bed for an unsatisfactory night's sleep.

A present for me, apparently. Found In a Basel warehouse.
They're beads. Shiny baubles. What will I do with them?
This makes . . .
. . . this, S says
I suppose it's obvious

Today, Friday, is a new day. Time to meditate. I only meditated once yesterday, after my good efforts on Wednesday.
