Friday 12 October Day 134 and the last week

Thought for the day - from Fortress Besieged (1949) by Qian Zhongshu - `an old man in love is like a house burning down`

Tuesday 2 Oct 0030am Day 125

The Lake, the Tractor and the Thomas question
[03:38]The Resistance Banker
[04:32]It`s For Sale
[05:17]Sandrine`s doing
[05:36]The Lake - will it work?
[05:53]The tractor wheeze
[06:43]Getting rid of Jean Christophe
[07:02]The end of the film - spoiler alert
[08:02]Henriette and Sandrine`s responses to the reports
[09:21]getting ready to go away / for winter

Wednesday 3 Oct Day 126

[00:41]preparing to leave. the meeting about Thomas last night
[01:51]the `value` of the land. The value of Thomas to Bonnevaux.
[02:28]Lawrence. why does the flawedness and humanity of Laurence upset / worry me
so much? why should he be perfect, more self aware? why shouldn`t he fantasise about
his luxury retirement phone (Lacanian slip - home)? why should he be perfect when self
evidently I am not? Or Andrew? or all the rest? Do I just basically think I am better than
them and I expect them to be at least as perfect as me, if not more so?
[04:23]seeing others as they are, not projecting.
[05:18]Laurence`s upset at me telling Thomas about our thoughts.
[06:43]Saturday 6th Oct Basel S`s flat. Jung`s life. Danny in B`land.
Basel is beautiful. [[Almost inaudible

Friday October 12, 2018 Day 134

a round up of my week. Pics in random order

Basel sunset

Aden`s balcony
Sitting room

Dining room

My bed (well Aden & Lottie`s, really)

The unmade bed of jetlag (actually not)

an accident

Changi 7am Tuesday 9 Oct

Changi traffic jam

First sight - Vietnam. It looks nice.

Across the road

random sculpture on someone`s balcony, in a back street.
Remarkable trouble to hide it away.

Vietnamese eggs. Couldn`t resist the basket -
probably cost me more than the eggs.

Accidental Zen garden, below B`s window

Things to do with tile and glass. S`s balcony.
My Rothko period / moment
