Thursday 6 September Day 99 I have a brain tumour. Day 98

Very excited about the anima / animus thing. Is this my anima or animus acting / responding? Is it doing so in a positive or negative way? Are they acting out their animus / anima (and ditto)? It seems like everyone lurches to their opposite and negative when under stress.

And the funny feeling, that Hneriette, Heidi, even Emily, were unhappy with me because I was not manfesting my animus, I was being a bit of a girly, and they were like hinds getting a bit antsy with their stag. And a natural response is then to step in and manifest their animus - Henriette tearing apart the chicken house. Os start screaming and hectoring me, as both Sukie and Pol did when I was being, I now realise, especially pathetic and anima possessed.

It also gives a yardstick / a moral rule, that all these other rules (the Church, the Rule, the oblateship) somehow don`t. A way of measuring my and other`s behaviour, are we acting from our best (animus or anima, it can be either or both for both of us) or ourr worst - and often reacting, if that.

Andrew and Delyth - at times, more often than not - more or less perfect expressions of anima and animus possession. She hectoring and biffy, he wet and girly - so even his response to Rebecca (absolutely animus possessed) is girly and hysterical. And then I thought of Nick and Tina Jefferies, who when they were here I thought were a bit silly and stupid. Now they seem like an almost jokily perfect couple. He big and beefy, loving working outside with Christoph, she very feminine, enormous boobs, almost too lace doily, but cooking and sewing. And yet they both expressed their other side too - he in meditation, Tina writing books and being dead biffy and effective. Neither intellectual giants, but perhaps much more grown up, individuated, than any of us.

I suddenly got very anxious about my meditation cushion, which Barbara gave me and Tina made a cover for; where was it? (It was in the salon).

Only Thomas and I this am in the chapel. Thomas was gong meister (I`d left my phone behind). I leant against the wall with lots of cushions, almost too comfortable.

No headache as yet. I wonder how much my `symptoms` are just the anima / animus fucking about with the body, to tell me stuff, or win a fight, or lose one. All good stuff for Jim on Sunday.
