Sunday 2 September. Day 95

Tuesday 28 August

Daniel Schmactenberg on the limits of democracy
12:00 - I am merely an emergent property of the cosmos. I need to recognise I am simply a part of all this.
16:00 - the shift that is about to happen / must happen is akin to the shift from single cell to multicellular life
17:00 - evolution by design. to date evolution has been unconscious (has it tho`?)
we have to be agents for the whole - of nature, the cosmos
technological evolution (what we have now) will destroy us / itself
20:00 - a phase shift, a miracle. but miracles have happened. we can do things to make / help this happen.
current leadership cannot do it, too enmeshed / invested in the current system.
23:00 - we cannot predict the butterfly phase from the caterpillar phase.

Mysticism, Spirit and the Shadow - Rebel Wisdom and JP

Jordan Peterson - "Masculinity is not toxic" - part 2 of interview Carr

My canna lily has finally produced a healthy looking green shoot. 2 in fact. Woke up at 7:19, too late to rush to meditation. I only woke up because I needed a pee, and feel like I could sleep for another 2 hours. I think it must be the cool nights and these lovely dull grey mornings.

I didn't achieve a lot yesterday, just managed to fix the two umbrellas by cannibalising the one that Jean Christophe found in a skip somewhere. Ill try and get the bathroom ceiling done this morning. Felt oddly guilty last night - Henriette, who I keep wanting to call Elly - they're both tall and thin but that's about it - and Thomas were busy working away (why do I assume they were working?) in the Salon after supper, and I sat outside and watched `Extinction` on Netflix in the dark with my head phones on. I'm not sure why I felt guilty - being alone, isolating myself, not offering to share the film, not `working`.

Must meditate, its 8:05 and only 25 mins until our meeting.

Extinction was a much better and more interesting film than I was expecting and an interesting connection to Sacasas` piece about the Humanists, anti-Humanists and the techies of Silicon Valley and their strange visions of our future - the convergence of man and machine, the new super human race, the singularity and so on. The inevitability of the takeover of AI. This was almost a softener for that - the heroes of the film are humanoid robots, the `aliens` (spoiler alert) are actually human beings.

a new board game - Enlightenment Now. You do a mindfulness course, go forward 3 squares. You win the lottery - spin the wheel to find out what you do next (spend, spend, spend / give it all away / develop a lot of bad expensive habits). You meditate twice a day - go up one level.

Wednesday 29 August
The near car crash. Rearranging the grid on my cooker after taking the pan off the ring. attempting to put milk on as deodorant. swollen glands. the impermeable membrane that makes the community of `me` has let a stranger in, perhaps. the body as a community. The Rule of life.

photos of jacques little Angel sitting with my cactus plant.

the thunderstorm last night. the hornet.

Belles postcards The Eiffel Tower - unbroken. The Duck Pond - stay here, very faintly, bottom left corner. I`ve only just noticed it.

Heidi has a partner. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am a little saddened (?). A faint fantasy blows away on the breeze. I don't know why I find her so attractive. Pure anima perhaps (see later entries)

My hornet has survived the night. Clinging to the curtain.

Spent the morning sorting out The Second Coming and sending it off to Stuart. Then retired to spend the rest of the day mostly in bed, in my dressing gown.

Thursday 30 Aug.
Woke at 7:20 and came down to the house at 9. washed the umbrella, fixed the leaking tap, took the wheelbarrow full of dead trees down to the potager. sorted out the rubbish. meditated at 12;15. just taking it nice and slow. took down my curtain (its been looking tatty since I got the caravan) - feel a bit naked. Repotted the canna lily. Sorted out my plastic bags aka the mice mansion. Nice pics from Pol, the envelope looking rather rain damaged.

Tim Freke : thinks Jesus never existed, but doesn`t explain how the gospels etc were written. Just another conspiracy? and what was Paul on about?

I wonder if taking down the curtains is a sort of unveiling?

Someone's flying around making the most frightful squawking noise. No idea who it is. Thomas saw a red deer stag down by the gatehouse last evening. I've just spent a very frustrating hour trying to find Aden's reasons for voting Remain - somewhere in Facebook in May 2016 I think - just to see if I thought they still held any water.

friday 31 August Day 93
the dream
the last rule #73
no anti-Christmas, too expensive / uncertain for Aden & Lottie, and Joe is catamaranning across the Atlantic to St Barts

Sunday 2 September Day 95

the feeling that i've taken on too much, all these plans, projects, commitments are just too much. wanting to run away. desire and meditation, heidi fantasies, `cant talk about it` - why not? being on the edge of, or even going through, a nervous breakdown. that this `sleeping sickness` is part and parcel of that, a way of escaping from an impossible situation.

meditation - all of us there. and it's not about me, or what I can do / not do. Just the best I can, each day, for that day. Stop thinking of it all as the Sysyphean stone. have I been led astray by my journey with susanne? or am I just wandering in the shadows?
