Sunday 1 July 2018 - Day 32

Friday's blog

Saturday 30 June

I am a leader. I can see things clearly, what needs to be done, what is the essence of the problem. I am not afraid to say so, to do something about it, to tell others. This is not ego, just something about me that I have always known, but have been afraid of. If I cannot get people to see what needs doing, or to do it, I won't lose any sleep over it. And I may in any case be wrong.

Andrew is so afraid of offending people (his great virtue, his emollience and kindness) he won't ask the direct and necessary questions. e.g. of Julien Macuin doing the lake survey - 'when will you submit your report?' He says it will be soon (he's guessing) but to Macuin soon could be next week, next month, or next year. He won't ask M Moreau about his insurance - is he insured? does he realise there may be a cost to repair the telephone line? what does the contract say? And his pussy footing around over Katherine (we can't speak because we're being recorded, even though we are saying nothing) and the glee he takes in being appointed Child Protection Officer for the whole of the WCCM and his 20 years' experience of working with children. 'I made myself available' or some pompous thing, when Laurence asked him to do it. His sycophancy towards Laurence - giving him the credit for the dam. I wonder what he would have said if I hadn't been in the meeting? Or is that just jealousy on his part, or fear of bigging me up? And on the other hand, his lack of ego, despite me directly contradicting him on at least two occasions, and implicitly criticising him. Giving him orders about the use of the computers, the phone, organising the office . . . .

Saturday / Sunday morning

Sunday continued 

aah breakfast . . .or is it lunch?

haven't really captured the beauty, and it's tiny - about a centimetre long -
I had dozens keeping me company last night. 

