Tuesday 12.June.2018 Day 13

A very dull gray day. And cold. Up with the lark at 5.30 as per.

"Dear Liz

I've been meaning to get in touch for a while. I've addressed this to both the email addresses I have for you, 'cos you said you'd retired and so maybe the wccm one is defunct.

Anyway yesterday I became postulated. Laurence was here and we had a simple little ceremony during midday meditation. I attach (an entirely optional) link below to my thoughts on the day, but the reason I particularly wanted to write is because I talk about you and Bonnevaux, in the second part, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I remember you raising a wry eyebrow at Just This Day about Bonnevaux, and I've heard rumours since being here (I arrived permanently, insofar as anything is permanent in this or my life, at the beginning of April, after an exploratory trip in January / February) about some in the community not being completely happy about Le Grand Projet. So, news from the trenches (mostly water filled).

The other reason for writing was to ask you about mentoring. I think you put me on to Anne McDonnell when I was alone and sorry for self on Naxos in 2013/2014. Anyway she was lovely and helped me a lot. They've been muttering (or murmuring - that's a Rule joke) about mentoring and I've sent an email to Eileen Dutt to ask for suggestions, and Laurence thought Jim Green might be a good bet for me. I got stuff from him when I was editing the newsletter, but I don't think we ever met. But, to be honest, the first person I thought of was you. I'm not sure how 'retired' you are, and it might not be something you'd want to do in any case, for me or anyone, but you'd be my first choice.

I hope you're both well. I think you said you'd both been in the wars when we met in November. All of us seem to be, one way or another. Actually I'm ridiculously well considering my history, but definitely feeling my age, and no longer as fit and strong as I was. An old friend, a monk from Ampleforth, wrote a moving account of the detaching process of ageing - how he'd taught himself Italian at school in order to read Dante's Divine Comedy, and had now in old age lost it all. I first read the book 20 years ago and it all seemed very remote. Doesn't now!

love to you both, David"

and so to bed. I've now formatted all 10 chapters of Stuart's book, so it's almost ready for the press. Just have to glue it all together and get the pagination and inner / outer margins sorted.

Made spicy dahl for supper (is that how we spell dahl?) and it it all got ate. Surprisingly salty given I'd added no salt and only a few anchovies. Maybe it was the chicken stock. They particularly liked the mini Magna I produced for pudd.
