Monday.11.June.2018. Day 12

A beautiful day, but I'm too tired to say anything about it. Being received as a postulant by Laurence, and the Beatitudes in Mark as today's gospel.

talking to Elba on way to station about postulancy, Rule, community. She's very definite, sure of herself. Not much sense of self doubt, or humour. Maybe that doesn't matter. I've more confidence in Henriette.

Laurence doesn't remember the young Irish man - one of his failures? Like not wanting us to mention the tornado.

It was nice Laurence saying perhaps I could teach. That he thought I had something to give. And Giovanni saying I had a nice voice (he was sitting right beside me last night at meditation). I don't think anyone has said that to me before.

M Ruel has given contradictory weather forecasts from St Medard (Friday) and St Barnabas (today) - the prognosis seems to be rain for 40 days.

The river looks a bit sad, all the lovely water lilies lying on the mud (J-C has left the sluices open so the river doesn't dam up behind the fallen tree. The lime is no good for firewood but very good for sabots (clogs). Ask Peter Owen if he'd like some lime, or knows someone who would.

send link to my monday postulancy recordings to Liz esp pt 2 about BV and grandiosity and meditation above all and maybe the story of Bonnevaux, warts and all. Or perhaps better not. the recordings are enough.
