Day 9 Friday 8.June.2018

A lovely day - blue sky, pretty much all day until evening meditation during which we had an impressive thunder storm and what sounded like a lot of rain, but there wasn't even a puddle outside the chapel when we came out. A couple on their back to Howick in the Scottish Borders from the Ardeche dropped in to say hello. They are involved in a centre / community dedicated to Ibn Arrabi a 13th Century Muslim perennialist who started in Spain and ended up in Baghdad.

Nick and Tina made us a nice sausage supper. We intoduced Hubert to the wonders of HP Sauce.

I spent all morning working on a memo for the Zoom conference call at 1pm, on admin support and systems, and then in the conference with Cendrine et al until 3.30 discussing the leaky lake, the lack of money, our general exposedness to being sued by any and everyone for anything - basically, at the moment we're all just friends of Andrew staying in his delightful French ruin. We need to become a corporation with insurance policies and employees. As I wrote elsewhere I used to be paid quite a lot of money to do this. I volunteered to take the minutes and am going to try and recreate the proceedings today (it now being Saturday morning). I did record it all on my phone but it's still an unintelligible mixture and bad French, bad English, and people talking over each other.

I went to bed quite early (although not to sleep - I ended up listening to my blogs, of which this is the third, on the subject of Belle's 4 emails a day plan, and other things. It's only 10 minutes as my copy of MicNotes is a freebie.

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If anyone out there listens to it, I'd like some feedback. Is it worth doing? Is it better or worse than writing this blog? I quite enjoy doing it at the end of the day. The extraneous noises are me moving round my caravan making my bed, cups of tea, sneezing and rolling cigarettes. It's quite good I can only record 10 minutes, or I'd be up all night.
