Day 8 Thursday 7.June.2018

The new fly paper is really effective, and only kills flies (who dive straight at it and seem to die immediately - probably best not to lick it). Less convinced that any of the little shits give a damn about the citronella candle. Had it in bed with me without obvious effect (apart from the danger of burning myself to death).

Sandrine / Cendrine. sent her a text at 5:30 - no response as yet.

4 emails to Belle a day (for not staying sober) = prostration (Benedict's Rule #43)

Pol rang and said my book was too long. As I pointed out, the average book in an airport WH Smith is as thick as a plank. And how long is War and Peace? Or Middlemarch? (and she was only talking about the last 7 chapters).

Late for morning meeting. Need to prostrate myself. Missed morning meditation.

"Dear Susanne

I like 'the water element might be reigning'  - a pun an Englishman would be proud of. I did not know Scorpios are strong in water - I have always loved swimming and being on or near water, but not pools full of chlorine. And its symbolism of  "cleansing/new beginnings, the expression of emotion, of flexibility/adaptability, and great strength of determination" augurs well for Bonnevaux, and maybe me too. I could not care less, but what is your star sign?

All the kittens are still with us, and I suspect will stay here. Knowing cats, they will detect any plan to move them in advance and disappear in any case, if we get an offer for them. Andrew and Delyth pretend they don't want them, but this is an obvious lie.

When I was living on Naxos, and having quite an 'interesting' time, alone, I read an article in 'Resurgence' about the Cone of Being, which supports us. At the top of the cone, there are our partners / soul mates, then children, family, then friends, then community, and finally at the bottom, supporting it all, is the natural world, our real mother. When all those higher levels are weakened, or absent, nature becomes our best friend and teacher. I found that to be true on Naxos very much, and would often go for long walks of several hours and maybe 25 kilometres, on my own. It is actually good for our detachment (as in truly detached compassion for everyone and everything) to understand this, and appreciate it. Our partners, family, etc are all important and good to have, if we have them, but really, in the final analysis, it is nature, Gaia, the Cosmos, that is our true home and support. When I felt very sorry for myself ("I have lost all these things and am all alone in the world" - not really, but I felt like that) it was very important to be told that. That it is possible to be alone in the universe, and not to be alone at all. Meditation is an excellent way to experience that.

Must go to the morning meeting. I keep missing / being late for everything at the moment. My inner Rebecca.

I'll write more later love David"

Finally got started on the accounts, not a mo' too soon. All the little thermal printouts are starting to fade and I can't remember who has paid for what or why. And then there's the donations which are a nightmare with the double entry bookkeeping. I pocket all the cash and then have to set it off against the fortune Bonnevaux owes me for all the money I'm spending on my card. Although as I said to Andrew, I feel much safer being 'owed' it by Bonnevaux / WCCM than leaving it in the UK banking system.

Having said that, I read a copy of the Times and The I yesterday - first English news in 2 months - and no one seems to think there's a crisis anywhere, or any risk of one. Still glad I've got my money out of Aviva. Now need to figure out how to get it out of Curtis Banks and put it in a convenient mattress.

Finally called Cendrine and updated her on things administrative. Sadly she has a husband (they're visiting in July on a motorbike tour from Marseilles up through Brittany, Belgium and I think she said Germany, Switzerland and Italy on the way back). Told Andrew I'd been in contact with her. Draft a memo for the conference call tomorrow about adminny things. And Action Points.

Dinner at La Sicilienne in Vivonne courtesy of Andrew - very pleasant. I had a Sicilian. Going a bit stir crazy - haven't really got out of Bonnevaux apart from shopping and taxi driving since I got back from Greece some years ago.

There was some cat business in the night. I set no alarms, went to sleep around midnight and woke at 5.30 feeling surprisingly rested (an evening on Pellegrino eau gaseuse has that effect). House smelled of cats and Andrew said the rogue tom had been round again and beaten up Bertie. Minnie was giving him (the tom) stick but Bertie got his tail bent. Seems OK now. Andrew says the kittens will start going for him (Bertie) soon, which seems a bit mean, as he's only just come in from the cold (literally - was living outside until this last winter, Mme Sergeron wouldn't have him in the house) and becoming a rather stately pater familias. Anyway he's started spraying the Salon to warn the tom off, which we can do without. Possibly why Mme Sergeron wouldn't have him in the house. I thought getting them neutered stopped that, but cleearly nit.
