Day 6 Tuesday 5.June.2018

A bit of a dull start. Broken sleep. Feel tired, therefore depressed. Must go to sleep before / by 10pm. Belle very bossy about more tools / supports / emails, after having read (I think) all of my blog links. I wonder is she's something there that I'm not. Anyway, I've sent her email #1. Time for my banana. Consultation with Susanna 2pm this afternoon. I do feel rough.

"The kind of economic organization that provides economic freedom directly… separates economic power from political power and in this way, enables the one to offset the other… Political freedom means the absence of coercion of a man by his fellow man. The fundamental threat to freedom is power to coerce, be it in the hands of a monarch, a dictator, an oligarchy, or a momentary majority." Milton Friedman

He misses out "an employer, a monopolistic labour union, or an immoral and exploitative business system."

Raining hard and steady. J-C opened the sluices and drained the river today - I think he was (rightly, it appears) expecting a lot of water to come down the river. Sent the 'Final Final' version of Stuart's Sample off to him this evening. Start on the book tomorrow. Seems to be no cure for the Google Docs page numbering problem - look for an app tomorrow. Katherine made us a nice curry for supper and everyone went off to bed and the Great Silence at 9.30. I was all set to go too but then got bogged down listening to Jordan Peterson being interviewed by Philip Dodd on R3. A good interview, rather spoiled by the moronic comments that followed, by J-P groupies apparently, all abusing Dodd for arguing with Peterson, and making rather a good job of it.

Sitting in bed. I've unset all my alarms (I'm basically fed up with feeeling tired all day). Listening to Belle's 'Meditations' which are just her rambling on as usual. It would be interesting to see what mindfulness or meditation practice might contribute to helping people get / stay sober. Did it help me? Does it help now? Shame she didn't make a bit of an effort to find out what meditation / mindfulness is, and maybe critique that - I think she's afraid of it for some reason.

I've sent her 4 emails, as instructed. I haven't had a drink.

Weirdly, the door to the salon, whose lock I'd partly fixed, has now locked itself properly, without the benefit of a key. I wonder if I'll be able to unlock it?

And the weirdest thing of all. Having got all antsy and grumpy this morning and determined to do nothing else but get to the bottom of the whole Curtis Brown / Aviva fiasco, what do I find after digging around for emails and policy numbers and phone numbers for an hour, but that this very day Aviva have sold everything and sent all the cash to Curtis Brown via CHAPS, this morning. It's worse than the sausages.

My good deed for the day. I rescued a hornet from the larder. I couldn't open the window and let him out, so I trapped him (why is he a him?) in a plastic cup, and stuck a postcard under the cup and carried him to the back door. He just buzzed off, very cool, not stressed. I wonder why they have such a bad reputation? They always seem very chilled out to me. Funny I like them so much, given they nearly killed me when I was six or seven.

Upload my recorded burbles on meditation.

Caravan full of weird insects driven in by the torrential rain. Not many flies though, which is nice. Lots of pretty little moths.

Talking, eventually, to Susanna Melzer about my high blood pressure - get a monitor.
