Day 4 Sunday 3.June.2018

It's Pol's Open Gardens today - just a snap, but it does look lovely. She said something about Cogges being nice on the surface but the serpent's in the long grass (I note that Sarah Phillips seems to be organising the Open Gardens).

Don't think I'm going to mass at Ligugé - no one else wants to go, and I'm really only going to get a copy of the French monk's commentary on the Rule. Maybe I'll cycle over later. And have a swim somewhere.

But frustrating - can't do anything on 2nd Coming until Stuart OKays one of my Icon /Initial Letter layouts. I could make a start on Metanoia. Suddenly regret (a bit, not really, maybe it was another delaying tactic) giving my one printed copy to Riet.

so he gives me the ok, or rather i tell him what we're going to do and he agrees, and i have lunch with k1 and k2, and then i pass out in my caravan listening to belle on being proud while waiting for 'this really really bad storm' - it was a bit windy and it rained a bit, and now it's 5.15 and i feel really woozy, as if hungover, so i'm drinking a proper cup of tea and having some Ryvita and Flost's glorious marmalade. then i'm going to have a shave and a shower.

it still feels very muggy, as if we're going to have another storm.

Still feel like I've been hit by a tram, just cleaner.

Tina and Nick turned up just in time for meditation. They've driven all the way from Hereford via Portsmouth and Cherbourg, in one day, and look remarkably well on it.
