Day 2 Friday 1.June.2018

Another grey day. It's not actually raining. I think my canna lily, which was just starting to sprout, is now drowning. I have brought it into the caravan to try and dry it out. The mice tribe have now settled into the bottom of my cupboard (I put all my winter woollies into a suitcase which I hope will keep them at bay), where I've left them a plastic bag to chew. They looked very pissed off when I opened the door and lifted up the suitcase. Just sat there, on the floor, looking up at me. They don't appear to leave droppings, or smell, or eat my food, just very small bits of chewed plastic. Andrew says that Jean Christophe says that there are no mice because the muskrats / ragondan eat them all. Which is odd, because I've never seen a muskrat out of the water. J-C has baited a very impressive trap with apple in the vegetable garden, by the river bank, to catch one. We are allowed to catch them, but not shoot them, which I think J-C was hoping to do. They will be taken away and humanely extinguished.

Any anyway, if there are no mice, who or what are the kittens playing with? I don't think they're going to leave. They were examining the tractor yesterday.

I'm not writing any poems (or doing Metanoia, or Stuart's 2nd Coming). Get my chisels and hammer down from the shed and cut my Naxos rock. Or get my paints out. There's no time.

Meditation, essentially, is about learning not to do anything. I can't make God do anything, or make myself do much, and when I tried to make something happen with meditation (enlightenment, or not drinking) it was a frustrating failure. But just sitting works fine. It just comes, and goes, you just let it, watch things arising, and disappearing. One of the Buddhist commentators, talking about not talking, said he gave up for 3 months ever talking about a third person. So it was either about himself, or the person or people he was with. I think you could do almost anything - never use a word with an 'R' in, for example - just to make yourself listen to what you are actually saying, and realise how much of it is just empty noise. Or said for effect. Or a laugh.

Kathy Norris comes back today. She managed to stay away for a week. She's going to stay for a month, and 'see how it goes'. Andrew's PA problem solved. Out of a job, again.
