Day 10 Saturday 9.June.2018

Woke up at 5.30 and went back to sleep. Then woke up at 6.45 and had a quick cup of tea and fag before meditation. Sunny, sticky, hot day. Nick and Tina have taken my maps and gone exploring. I uploaded my recording about Belle's 4 emails a day and the pics of cats. Andrew got us croissants and pain chocs and then took Delyth off to find a doctor to get some anti-biotics for her bladder infection. They found a nice young GP in Vivonne who they mistook for the receptionist. He was very good and gave D lots of tests including her kidneys which are dodgy, she says.

We had a quick meeting and sent Hubert off to the garden - he's a workaholic. Shame he's leaving tonight, although he's not great company and seems remarkably obtuse when we say French things to him. Does that Greek thing of finally saying back to us what we've been shouting at him for 5 minutes and he's been looking at us like we're speaking swahili, and then he says "tendeuse" with a smile and agrees that is the French word for a mower, as opposed to a "triconeuse" which is a chainsaw.

I've left Katherine installing French Windows on the new laptop. We told it we had a UK keyboard but of course we haven't, it's an AZERTY one so that makes putting in hidden 16 digit security codes a bit tricky. If at first you don't succeed . . . I said cheerfully to K and waltzed off to put up my washing line and do my washing. That's a sort of first, all part of this little caravan becoming my home. Not sure I've ever bought a washing line and pegs before.

I wonder if I should edit my blog to remove the reference to Cendrine's knickers. Christos Sideris is looking for volunteers for the Hotel Kouros (former Help Xers - last time I offered he just laughed, but that was when I was drinking. Would I? Could I? And why?) He said I wouldn't make a very good waitress. I offered to shave. I think he's still very attached to being a Greek Adonis with a bevy of beautiful girls around his Flex bar, although Stuart says he's getting fed up with it - he is 50 - and wants to start running walking and canoeing tours and not stay up with his guests drinking all night. He can leave that to the lovely HelpXers.

Need to steel myself to finish posting the accounts and write up the 'minutes' of yesterday's Zoom conference. And get stuck back in to finishing The Second Coming. My only solution to the page numbering problem (Google Docs only allows you to start at 1) is to number them by hand - euchh - or try converting the Google doc into Word, number them there, and then convert back . . . or just do the whole thing on the new laptop with LibreOffice as I did with Metanoia.

Battled all afternoon with Windows 10 and trying to do Chapter 2 of Stuart's book in Google Docs - it really doesn't like big documents, and no one has a solution to the page numbering problem. gDocs is really very limited. Try to do it on the new Lenovo, once it's finished updating and re-installing itself and has managed to download LibreOffice. Downloads 5 mb at a time and then falls over with a 'network error' - my arse, more like a Windows error. Turns out Windows was spending all afternoon installing its first 'update' - bit like buying a new car and then having to have the engine reconditioned, on Day One!

Read Susanne's link to Belloni (about media, by which I think Google translate means mediums). Interesting. Did Belloni's little quiz and got 18 out of 25. Be interesting to see which were my 'wrong' answers and why. Belloni said she would email them to me.

Time for bed. I was very rude to Tina about the quinoa pasta - it was ghastly, not her fault, Nature de Vienne had to be entertained by Andrew, so apart from being rubbish to start with, it was also overcooked. But her ragu was delicious, and nice pud from Super-U for afters. I think their day out was basically an excuse to go shopping, although they said they'd used my maps. We were blessed with a visit from Nature de Vienne persons, who said we have badgers (I knew that, I should go and have a look at them one evening). Anyway I ignored them, and they delayed our supper. Andrew said they are very important and we must be nice to them. I was feeling very anti social. Miss Belloni said I should be silent and meditate. I agree.
