A very rainy Sunday. 10.June.2018. Day 11

It's finally stopped - 7:36am - having started raining heavily and steadily soon after I turned out my light. Belle's urban meditation  Belle - UMR005 - I threw a stone was rather good, about regret and letting go. The effect rather spoilt by the appallingly sloppy swanlet interlude in a sick making little girl voice. eucch. On the theme of regret and feeling the weight of the rocks in our back pack and hand, and the relief of throwing them away.

It turns out my little ChromeBook isn't really up to 60 page chapters. The Lenovo is gobbling them up. I now have 3 computers open on the Salon table.

A nice gentle Sunday morning and midday med and Sunday scrap lunch. Then off to meet Laurence and Giovanni and Kailas from Poitiers Gare and then back to the airport for Elba and a magnificent gigot of lamb for supper. I talked to Laurence about oblateship after meditation and he said he'd talk to Eileen about a mentor, and declare my postulancy tomorrow morning. So, the ball rolls . . . but as he says I can always change my mind. As he also said, about being here, why look a gift horse in the mouth. Indeed. Even if Christos does offer me a job.

I made a recording about the young Irish guy (John reminded me of him) who became a postulant at Monte Oliveto and then an alcoholic. And I was at Monte Oliveto after going to AA in Colchester, for the first time, and having been sober for 6 weeks and feeling very high and smug and happy. Oh dear. 2007 I think. And then meeting him again at the Kairos 11th Step conference 3 or 4 years later (my 3rd and last serious attempt at AA). What happened to him? I think he was called Sean. Ask Laurence. And what happened to me?

{link to recording }

grandiosity - what I fear(ed) for the Bonnevaux project, when I first saw all the marketing literature. Talk to Liz. It's not grandiose at the moment, and I don't really think it will become so, not for a while anyway. And it may all collapse in a cloud of slate and dust and rubble, or be sued to extinction by some unhappy volunteer. Meanwhile, it's wonderful and lovely to be here, at the birth of whatever it turns into. They're all downstairs with M Ruel and his 'pilote' planning it all. Mega lunch today (Monday).

My teapot - deux euros - and strainer
 And some pictures of cats - people seem to like pictures of cats.
