Day 15 Sat 26.v.2018

Listening to Jeff Salzmann on The Origins of Integral Philosophy with Steve Macintosh (ICE): Hegel, Bergson, Whitehead, Aurobindo, de Chardin, Gebser, Baldwin, Piaget, Habermass, Paul Ray, Clare Graves, Rawlston (Science and Religion, 3 Big Bangs), Griffin (Pan-entheism), Nagel (Mind and Cosmos),

What about Paul Davies, or Rupert Sheldrake? Get Jeff to ask his listeners for their reading list.

Preparing for the fete des voisins. Signage, tables, chapel entrance. And I found my multi coloured pen, in my pen jar. Like I found my trowel in my tool box. Either there's a gremlin about, or I'm playing games with myself, or god's playing games with me. It's a lovely day. Andrew's forecast storm never happened. I've fixed my Power Station problem. Basically you have to unplug everything and then re-connect it in the right order, so the controller knows everything is OK, so I'm charging batteries, and computers, and I have electric light again. Candles are very romantic, but deadly, and not terribly effective for reading by or cooking. So I was fully charged by the time the storm hit, and the mains in the house went off.

I've skipped midday meditation (we're only going to give the visitors 15 minutes anyway) to have a beer and a fag and a shower and shave and get dressed up.

My little nest of blue tits is driving me mad. The fledglings keep falling (or jumping) out, and I'm not sure les parents are actually feeding them - the smell of me, having picked them up and popped them back in their hole, may be putting them off. (Actually I've just seen a mum flying away so maybe they're OK with me baby sitting). If I had time I'd put a net below the hole, so at least I won't tread on them on the way in and out of my caravan. They seem to have a death wish, or they're just blind and can't see the drop.
(3 dead on the ground this morning - Sunday, and the others all disappeared - fright and cold and wet I suppose)

Life is shit. (not!). Succumbed to Brigitte's temptation (GiGi's home made sirop), just a sip. Made from coings - quinces. Tasted very strong but Thomas said it would only be about 20%.

refined carbs raise insulin - fatty foods the least. JS on his five day fast. It turns out 3 meals a day are really not essential to life (big food companies told us - e.g. the invention of the bacon and egg breakfast in the US in the 1920's by an advertising exec (to sell more bacon).

We've had a tornado - 3 big trees down beside the chapel, windows broken, water flooding down to the chapel. My little caravan is warm, dry, cosy, and I have electricity. The farm is dark. My sloping front window is leaking a little at the top edge.

200 year old linden tree, felled right across the river and just missed the Chapel

Chapel stayed dry

Jeff talking about not eating - strengthening his 'subtle body' - feeling stronger, better about himself, not gripped by cravings. What I feel about not drinking - it's not about ego and pride (as I used to feel when I stopped for a few days) - it's about being a different, better, me. The me I'm supposed to be.

He lost interest in marijuana, and soda water, and sex - not on his mind any more. See my response to Belle's anonymous sex blog. Disordered desires. The fruit of his practice - as for me - all that meditation did have an effect, maybe just masked by my drinking. And just as easily masked again.

Try other fasts - Talking. Media. Reading.

Lovely chats with Joe and Ingrid. Cats and dogs. & lightning. Feel very cosy and safe in my caravan. Just like being in a tent, without the wet and discomfort.

Has anyone been this happy in this caravan before?

The view from my patio
