Day 12 Wednesday 23.v.2018

Why did Pol ring, really? Why did she ask / think I'd been drinking? She knows I haven't been since October. Just checking? Or perhaps she is reading my blog, and wanted me to fess up to my lapses. Or maybe she was just feeling a bit miz about her eye and leg. And just wanted my news.

The caravan smells a bit fishy (the wet carpet). Pull 'em up? air everything. Need a washing line and pegs.

Andrew wants me to square my account (rent etc vs work). We overspent on the shopping budget - sent the volunteers out with the debit card again.

email Susanne.

The wasps have at last got off their bottoms - 'growing moon' - half a dozen cells now have something in them. They still seem very indolent, and never go out for meals.

A water theme - lake, fuite , flood, new road laid over the East Wing's water meter - the Eau de Vienne meter reader was very cross. So was Jean Christophe, who had carefully marked it out for the contractors. We said 'there was some sand in it' - and lime and hardcore - i.e. concrete, basically.

La Grande Fuite fixed, lake filled, chapel damned, dried and cleaned. I fucked up. Unable to remove tyre and take it in to Vivonne to get it repaired (the jack broke, and then I ran out of time). Still went to Vivonne, but found no sandbags and only managed to get some tobacco and dump the rubbish. Started feeling quite shit and totally failed to prepare lunch. We did meditate, and were joined by Alison from Leeds, some high up ecclesiastical civil servant and aide to the Bishop, very nice, a schoolmate of Andrew's although neither of them remember each other, and her daughter Attie (Harriet) who's also very nice and working in La Rochelle as a hotel receptionist having done French at Nottingham. I'm taking her to Poitiers at 7.15 tomorrow. And Patrick Gormally came over to teach us French but I missed the leçon. Then retired to my bed and stayed there semi-comatose listening to Belle podcasts until 5, when I made myself a nice cup of proper English tea (no biscuits) before doing Rule 5 - Obedience, with Henriette and Mary, which was interesting.
Strainer and teapot from the Vide Grenier on Sunday.
Twinings English Breakfast from Vassilopoulos, Naxos

Susanna cried off on our promised consultation but has given me a remedy and we may be able to get together sometime tomorrow. Rang Hatrick and had a nice chat (mutual problem with too much smoking as a replacement / treat for not drinking - Susanna had some good advice, not to give up but to cut down a little, and to stop leading others e.g. Henriette astray). And so to bed at 9pm. Didn't ring Aden back (he rang in the middle of my meeting with H about the fetes des voisins) and Felicity was busy / I was busy. Talk tomorrow.

It's raining again. The Travaux Publics has fixed the fuite. After water, earth presumably. Landslides?

Must thank mindful Barbara for her nice meditation on acceptance - very appropriate for me at the moment.

A sort of good bum day. Nothing much achieved, but something learned perhaps.

Caravan smells of a rather nasty mix of smelly French cheese and old socks - basically the wet carpets after the deluge. Hopefully it will go once everything is properly dry.

Susanna's recommends re smoking. Cigarette as a real treat / reward. Leave my tobacco behind in the caravan.  She says she can do a consultation with me over Skype or whatever once she gets back to Karlsruhe. She keeps giving me new pills, in tiny little packets.
