Day 78 Saturday 24.iii.2018 / Sunday Day 79

I felt bad yesterday about spending most of the day watching / listening to youtube videos (Sam Harris, Mark Steyn, Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray, Sheldrake, Russell Brand) and not getting on with my table. I did eventually, but I think the problem (all day) really was I wasn't sure how to proceed - what will I do about the legs? So I fiddled about a bit, and then put everything away. Nothing on the telly or radio. Went to sleep listening to Jordan Peterson lecturing about Maps of Meaning.

And one thing I got from all those youtube videos was JP talking about his auto-immune problem (main symptom was fatigue) and how much better he was not eating refined carbohydrates - just meat and veg. I wonder if a potato counts as veg? Anyway, my terrible bloat feelings and tiredness may be down to the amount of bread and pasta I eat. I shall try giving it up. That includes crumpets I suppose. What about choc ices?

Jeff Salzmann critiquing Jordan Peterson. This next bit is boring if you don't listen to the podcast. Then it will possibly be more boring. Link to boring bit -

"Its truer than true, it's true with a capital T" (Christianity) says Jeff, but criticises JP for saying the same thing, but being honest and humble enough not to know exactly how one squares the Truth with scientific truth (and is also maybe being very careful with the sensitivities of his audience). JP's key point is that myth encapsulates the accumulated wisdom of humanity from very early times - it cannot be taken literally, it's possible for example that no such person as Christ ever existed, but the figure of Christ represents an ideal, a way of being, that we can aspire to.

Jeff says he knows how Christianity is true (and all other religions) - has he seen the light? Jeff and I may have an idea how to integrate Christianity into our lives, world view, integral philosophy, but I think this statement ("I know") is on a par with JP's tweet about slapping the book reviewer for calling him a fascist mystic. BTW, why is JP a "fascist" mystic? And I didn't know Jung was a fascist. Ban all uses of the word Nazi or fascist from intelligent discourse, please. Does JP want to gas Jews?

52 minutes - right on. Why does JS think that JP thinks we should take it literally - where does he say this (or even imply it)? JP is arguing for a much richer understanding of the myth than I think JS allows.

The virgin birth is (maybe) equally about the creation itself - the Big bang - something from nothing. And the cosmos is our divine mother inseminated by the creator, whatever he/she/it is.

56 mins. Why does JS think JP doesn't think evolution is continuing? JP talks all the time about our needing to be our own hero, about straddling the boundary between where we have come from, the known, and where we are going, the unknown. Not hiding in the known, cosy, but going on this great adventure - isn't that what Integral is all about?

I think I've figured out the table legs problem. And it's not raining.

Sent Ellie a link to my blog about Facebook. Uh o.

No bread, no bloat.

Table going well.

Sunday Day 79 25.iii.2018

The table was still a bit wobbly but I worked out a way to stiffen it. Worked away all day and then into Fram to get some food. Car going in tomorrow to have the brakes sorted. Do feel much better not eating any bread.
