Day 75 Wednesday 21.iii.2018

Lovely warm sunny morning. Perfect for table making.

Which I eventually started to do. But feel/felt really shit, until I started working on the table. I need to do more of this, every day. And ride my bike. I'm getting very unfit.

Watching Surrogates, with Bruce Willis. Very satisfying ending. Ironic timing - Zuckerberg has fessed up "for making mistakes with Cambridge Analytics" and giving 50 million people's data to them to play with.

I like being competent, even when I feel crap. I may have made a mistake with Curtis Banks, or be being silly about going to Naxos, but these are my sober decisions. I'm in as right a mind as I can be.

Listened to Belle's book readers podcast. What are my supports, the things that keep me sober? I should write out my list of 60.
