Day 73 Monday 19.iii.2018

Mindfulness with Barbara's group at the Unitarian Chapel tonight. Gill Bence-Jones tomorrow.

Joseph Campbell - "follow your bliss", which is what Naxos feels like (and not Bonnevaux? Bonnevaux is perhaps the worthy option, the ought to).

Sent my long email to my IFA explaining why I was not going to do what he proposed, in fact the reverse. He replied complimenting me on "thorough and detailed" research, which I suspect he didn't read. Perfectly friendly and agreed to tear up all the forms I signed when I went to see him. I'm sad to say I think the only reason he recommended I move my money from Phoenix Wealth to Curtis Banks was so he could collect a 4% fee. Which he possibly feels uncomfortable about.

Felt very crap after my weekend of "excess" so came home from J&I's and did nothing, apart from make myself some lunch and supper, and then went out to mindfulness feeling very bloated. I should investigate what it is in my diet makes me feel so uncomfortable. Porridge. Pasta. Potatoes. Bread. Butter. Milk. Green vegetables. Pork. Chicken. Beef. Lamb. Cheese. Eggs. Marmite. Perhaps I have a "growth".

Said goodbye to Barbara and Susanne and the others. I'm glad I went. I think I owe mindfulness a lot. Came home feeling restless and uncomfortable (and therefore wanting / not wanting a drink). Nothing on the telly or radio, so I put myself to bed reading / listening to a podcast about the Italian General Election, which sent me off to sleep fairly quickly.
