Day 66 Monday 12.iii.2018 Day 67 Tuesday 13.iii.2018

Slightly shell shocked yesterday (Monday) by the alms house thing. I did some more sorting out of my stuff for the caravan, trying to work out what I should leave behind, and wondering where I can leave it. I got a long apologetic text from Bob Snell in the evening, basically confirming what the letter had said and that he couldn't tell me why the offer had been withdrawn. I begin to suspect the CoOp have given me a bad reference, or that perhaps one of the trustees has heard an unpleasant story about me. I would like to clear it up before I leave Framlingham.

Belle congratulated me and all the others on getting to Day 50.

Things are working out. I have paid Laura rent until April 10th. Lee rang this morning from southern Spain to say he hoped to pick up the caravan next Tuesday, the 20th, so I have a few more days to worry about and sort out everything. Laura and Andrew helped me move the caravan, ready for collection. It moved, easily, and all the lights bar one rear indicator are working. I have decided to try and buy a van or car with a hook, to take the last of my things down to France and give me a way of towing the caravan away from Bonnevaux if we get fed up with each other. I won't go down to Felicity's until after Easter now. Time to eat up the contents of my fridge / freezer / food cupboard.

Still feel very discombobulated, so I'll just have to meditate with it. Reading Nevil Shute's Round the Bend, which is rather appropriate. He's writing about mindful aircraft maintenance, in 1951. I also realise I write very like him.

Sending the caravan off on its own feels like putting a message in a bottle. Where and when will it ever turn up, and will it make sense when it does. Bit sad not to be going down to Felicity's until after Easter, but it makes sense. Will I ever get away from here?
