Day 62 Thursday 8.iii.2018

Thinking about going back to Naxos. Is that just farming back, or hubris (prove I can do it without drinking - no low alcohol beer there I suspect; they would rightly wonder what is point)? But also a part of me would just like to be there sober, and do sober things - or rather do what I love to do there, but not drink. And see Eleni and Stuart and Christos and Michaili and Lou, even Thomas and Marta. And Giorgo.

And now I'm working myself up into an anguished tizz about whether to put my bike in the caravan for France or keep it here. And even if I manage to make a decision about that, what do I do with my panniers? I can spend hours worrying about this sort of thing, and at the end of it all (when I probably just throw it in the caravan at the last minute, or don't) I feel so wrung out by the experience, which will have prevented me doing anything else remotely constructive, that all I want is oblivion and a drink.

Spent the day packing up my room. Not as much to chuck / send to the charity shop as I was expecting.

Tried watching Eat Pray Love with Julia Roberts. Self indulgent twaddle.


  1. I may have a spare bike for you to have at this end...


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