Day 50 Saturday 24.ii.2018 (and Friday)

Day 49 Friday 23.ii.2018

Lou posted a wonderful black and white photo of a storm building up over Agios Prokopios which I've used as my profile picture and my wallpaper.

Felt rubbish all day. Finally got dressed about 5pm and walked up to the stables to get some eggs from the machine. Didn't really eat anything. Long chat with Stuart mainly about The Second Coming and when will I be able to finish it for him. Need a half decent PC to do the typesetting, not sure my old O2 netbook will even wake up. Then I checked and found he'd sent me back the uncorrected version of Chapter 5 - Spain and started to worry he's been sending me the wrong versions of the other chapters as well.

Felt too crap to even try meditating.

Day 50 Saturday 24.ii.2018
I'm supposed to be going to Gillian Bence-Jones for supper and poems tonight. Still feel like garbage, and I need to dig out some poems for her, and cycle into Fram to collect the car. Very cold, and getting colder supposedly, but at least it's sunny.

Sorted out Stuart's chapters and sent him back the missing chapters and instructions on how to edit things and not lose them or get in a muddle.

So, I'm feeling better. I must be, cos I cycled into Fram, a very cold but lovely sunny morning, with the east wind blowing me along. Johnny's a bit worried about the car (some warning light blinking, but no one knows what it means or if it matters). He let me have it anyway. Came home and dug out the solar power station. Seems to be all there. Try connecting it all up tomorrow and see if it produces any juice.

I got the wheels off the caravan - tyres are 11 years old, so I definitely need to replace them. Take them to Fram Tyres on Monday. Bought a spare rim and tyre off ebay for £27. Hopefully it will arrive before the caravan leaves. Picked out poems to read to Gillian tonight. Diana is back, not obviously more cheerful than when she left but at least she's talking to us. Meanwhile Laura continues to sulk.

Ted came into my room last night, to deliver Belle's pink chocs. He stood there and said "Your room is very nice". Which was nice. I think possibly he just thought it was nice because it didn't look like a bomb has hit it, unlike the rest of the house. Or maybe he likes my pictures.

Tonight will be the first time I've ever been to Gill's and not had a drink. May have to drink water.

And I did (have to drink water). No hardship. We read each other good poems. 50 day's sober. Result.

Took Johnny and Ingrid's bottles to the bottle bank - must have represented at least £300 of alcohol. That's a lot of mini-Magnums.
