Day 48 Thursday 22.ii.2018

Felt grim all day. Streaming snot and coughing and feeling hot. Stayed in my dressing gown, and my room, and proofread Stuart's Chapter 6 (so did something constructive at least). A lovely long chat with Aden in the morning about married life and the future and being open and honest with each other about what you want and need, and not getting trapped in a situation that just makes you unhappy but you don't want to face that, so you start pretending you're OK with it all.

Had a shave and a lovely hot bath, and then meditated and had a snooze. Watched a very good film - Lone Survivor - about a group of Navy SEALs in Afghanistan, cut off on patrol and surrounded by the Taliban, based on a true story. The survivor was taken in by Afghan villagers who fought off the Taliban to save him. Like Bravo Two Zero, but it seemed much more realistic, and grim, and brave and sad.

And so to bed. I wonder what I shall do tomorrow. I feel the clock is ticking and I really ought to get stuck in to my to do list. But a part of me just wants to say bugger it and everyone and stay in bed / not go to France / just get drunk.
