Day 45 Monday 19.ii.2018 (and Saturday and Sunday)

Day 43 Saturday 17.ii.2018

Researching solar panel kits for the caravan. Usual confusion applies - prices for everything needed range from £1500 to £250, but £250 plus a leisure battery for £100 or so seems about right for c 200W installation, which seems to be overkill.

Came home and fixed the Hairy Shelf.

Lots of pressure to take the Alms House (Pol thinks it's a good idea not to burn my boats).

A sort of do nothing day. I did meditate twice.

Day 44 Sunday
I was buying the Schumacher vegetarian cookbook (Gaia's Kitchen) on Amazon for Delith and Amazon suggested a solar PV kit. It was exactly right (power, price, spec) so I bought it. Easy peasy. Now all I need is a spare tyre.

Laura in a puss because I smoked out of my window. She's gone all Diana-ish. It doesn't work.

Lunch with Harriet.

Ingrid obviously thinks the Almshouse is done and dusted. I'll probably lie. I asked Harriet not to tell on me, if I do decide not to take it, and don't tell the sensibles.

Has ignoring the advice of other (sensible?) people throughout my life been my problem? Or my genius?

Why don't I want to say yes to the Almshouse?

Day 45 Monday 19.ii.2018
I was away in France for an entire tube of toothpaste. Like the Venezuelan who measures distance by the number of cigars he'll smoke on the way.

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules of Life.
Don't pretend you don't like your children (sometimes). The best thing you can do for them is help them be attractive to others, children and adults. The worst thing is to tolerate or ignore their horrors so they go out into the world with them and get beaten up by everyone else who have no reason to love them.

Don't compare yourself to others (Elon Musk's room mate, for example). Compare yourself to you yesterday. Aim high, but set yourself achievable goals - things that are a challenge, but which you have a chance of achieving. Like not drinking for 7 days. Or cleaning your room.

It's not true that the West is a horrible male patriarchy. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than most other places. It's not run by thugs, and mostly people trust each other, and treat each other kindly.

So I spent all day listening to Jordan Peterson talking about the Bible, and meditating, and lying on my bed.

And I've found my bike lights, lying on the floor, beside my bedside table, just covered by the lungi I drape over the table. Not in a safe place at all.

I'm meeting Bob Snell and the Chairman at No 8 Station Road, tomorrow at 11am.
