Day 32 Tuesday 6.ii.2018

Woke at 6.30. Contemplated hiding in my room but went down in jamas to light fires and have a cup of tea and a fag. Abbreviated meditation with Andrew in the Salle a Manger.

Fell asleep last night reading Meister Eckhart. I'd forgotten how brilliant he is. David Steindl-Rast OSB doesn't think he always gets it right (but e.g. God is not affected by anything, he is immense, immovable, infinitely wise, and pure love for everything without distinction - he doesn't even care about the crucifixion - and the just man has no motives, no reason for doing anything ('do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing') - DSR worried that nutters will start misbehaving without reason, but they will do that anyway).

Andrew re-scanned my sketch plans and I've sent them to everyone, including Soren, with a breakdown of my estimate of costs for the first phase.

Andrew and Delyth have headed off in the snow for Tours. Jean Christophe is doing everything in the house, including rescuing an antique shower from the attic and dismantling the wine racks in the cellars - which only contain empty bottles. I told him to try and salvage the bricks from the old boiler, for Soren to make a new one out of.

Two bowls of porridge for breakfast with pink grapefruit juice.

Home alone!
French vocab
douceur de l'eau - water softener
panneau solaire - solar pv panels
colle - glue
vis - nut? ecrou - screw
cave - cellar

nice med on my own with psalm and French prayer. Andrew texted me asking for window sizes.

nearly boxed myself into the bathroom. all walls up, now to draw the curve for the lintel and cut out the door. hole cut for the sink. lunchtime! Jean Christophe has just bought in a jar of his home made terrine des sangliers and another of his plum jam. Both delicious. I gave him a slice of tarte des pommes. Plus a bit of fridge clearance.

Finished the walling and cut out the door. Bit of a wobbly line with the jig saw (the laser guide light just leads the saw off track, must be misaligned or something). Door lintel mimics the shape of the ceiling and looks rather good. Now for the difficult bit - working out all the plumbing needed and doing the wiring. Maybe do the electrics first and the lighting. Delyth and Andrew battled through the snow back from Tours with two foldup single beds and blinds for the windows.

Bertie (the cat) has developed a gammy back leg, weirdly as he seems to have spent all day on Andrew and Delyth's bed, and D went into overdrive ('he's in pain, what can we do argggh') - I think Andrew was seriously worried he was going to have to call the vet out. I was not sympathetic, Bertie is fast asleep in his box, and Delyth has at last gone to bed.

Nice email from Belle, not ticking me off about Super-U non alcoholic beer (if I'm sober, it's working) and agreeing she had seen moorhens, not terns, whilst pond-ering. She explained why she has to moderate all the comments she gets (to check / remove personal references, mainly, and abuse of other commenters) - amazing how she does all that, and emails all her penpals too. But she's giving the moderation a rest for a couple of weeks (i.e. not allowing comments) to see how it goes.

The markets are falling off a cliff. Nothing I can do about it, so I'll no doubt be much poorer soon than I was (but I wasn't getting obviously richer on the back of all the gains, so maybe it won't be so bad). Just so long as I have enough to kit out the caravan and get back here. At least here I can survive on my state pension alone.  Or possibly nothing at all.

and so to bed . . . 11.20pm


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