Day 31 Monday 5.ii.2018

A light covering of snow on the ground. Very cold. Woke up at 7.20 and meditated in bed (what, no tea or fag!). Busy day - layout worktops and walls for Delyth to approve. Measure and survey farmhouse for Giovanni / Bernard Ruel.

Worked all morning on the Edspace, building the walls for the bathroom and kitchen and setting up the worktop and kitchen sink. Andrew has done all the accounts up to the end of January and sent them off to Bertrand in Washington, USA, who is head honcho for the project. Very cold but sunny, snow still on the ground at lunchtime, very glad of my heater in the Edspace. Apparently Bruno, Jean Christophe's brother, thinks it's crap and just a shed, but he only glanced at the outside and looks a grumpy sod. Surveyed the farmhouse after lunch and made a couple of sketch plans of the ground and first floor. It really looks pretty good. Then back to working on the Edspace until meditation at 6pm and supper. Delyth's back is giving her a lot of pain again. No sleep this afternoon, and have stayed up until 11 writing the Farmhouse report for Giovanni and Laurence. Unfortunately photographing the plans with my webcam didn't work very well - I'll try scanning them tomorrow.

Feel surprisingly well considering the relative lack of sleep. Sun certainly helps. Maybe I've had a bug. Got to get stuck in to the plumbing and waterworks tomorrow. Andrew and Delyth going off to Ikea in Tours, about 1 and a half hour's drive away, to find a bed and sort out a water heater.

Had a tiny sip of Jean Christophe's apple pinot (sort of mix of cider and calvados, home made) - very nice. Just to taste, honest. Having a sneaky fag up the bread oven chimney. Whole place reeks of wood smoke anyway.

Delyth complained about having to read the Psalms before meditation. She said they upset her and make her think, and don't settle her mind for meditation. Andrew and I piled in and told her how great they are (which they are). We all stood round the keyboard tonight and sang "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation" and made a lovely noise. Delyth says she'll give me singing lessons, which will be nice.

They went off to Vivonne to shop and do the washing and took mine as well, but then forgot about it. Andrew promises he'll do it on Wednesday. They shouldn't be allowed out.
