Day 29 Saturday 3.ii.2018 (and Day 28 Friday, and a bit of Thursday too)

Thurs contd

the report. driving Soren to the train in Poitiers. listening to the radio. sausage and ham for lunch, pancetta for supper. sleeping after lunch. light work in the edspace to 8pm. loo and wall cabinet. miss soren - he could plumb it all together. frost and sun. cold. full moon. stars. buzzard on the road. drawing the map. talking to harriet. j-c still says it will snow.

the vicar from ruffec. artist. his baby son benjamin. the last beer. j-c cutting down trees March, when the hunting ends. we have been burning 3 years' logs in 3 months. emailing tom reynolds. removals. no m.ruel. soren wants to live in the hunting lodge. andrew can't get his head round our standards. he wants /needs to be comfortable. meditation. don't panic. can't do everything. quotes for moving the caravan - £200 to £1500. david-go in hospital. Prof Sanguinetti from Sicily via Nice (doing anthropology on monastic communities i.e. us, we think).

Day 28 Friday 2.ii.2018

Woke up at 5.55

talking to Delyth over supper about her theories about singing - it's all about stillness and letting go, about not doing it. Chest singing ruins the vocal chords - the breath is not required to get the vocal chords to resonate - the chest is a sound box. we don't twang the guitar string by blowing over it, and the sound it makes is amplified by the guitar's sound box. we need to open up, relax, let the vocal chords do their stuff. I'd like her to give me a singing lesson. She says I have a very strong voice.

We listened to the News Quiz - something's happened, but we don't know anything about it. So strange to hear Radio 4 here.

Did the furniture inventory for the move. J-C and his brother are going to do it. Andrew is worrying because Rebecca is recruiting volunteers to come over in February and March, and we have nowhere to put them (and I'm not sure we have anything for them to do).

Finally made the bathroom cabinet, after putting it together and taking it apart 6 times. It looks very nice. Delyth wants me to let them in by Feb 10, which kind of ups the pressure. I've said no, but it would be nice to finish it early. Bit worried about the plumbing.

No beer today - missed it, a bit, but actually pear and framboise with tonic is delicious.

Day 29 Saturday 3.ii.2018

Andrew and I bumped into each other in the corridor at 8am, both in our jammies having slept right through until for the first time I woke in daylight. So a late start, but it is Saturday.

My joke to Andrew - he laughed like a drain. We were talking about where I'd put my caravan and I said I'd decided it would nestle under the trees at the top of the hill looking down at the Abbey and Delyth said how worried Jean Christophe was about trees falling over. Headline in local paper "Hermit crushed in his caravan by falling oak - a tragic end to a pointless life" and Andrew thought it was hysterical. He'd earlier said something about me not being sarcastic, for once. I said I thought it was dry wit, but clearly it doesn't come over like that and I think I upset people who don't know me, or who do know me, and hurt them without meaning to. I think I'm being funny and they think I'm being cruel, or unkind.

A good day. Mounted the cabinet just offset from the sink and it looks good, and the shower cabinet is erected and in place and I haven't broken the glass panels (yet!). All looks just like it did in the Castorama showroom (see pic ---->)
although of course nothing works - the plumbing's going to be interesting (in the Chinese sense). Went back to work after supper and finished at 10. Andrew and Delyth have retired to bed, Delyth feeling very poorly with her sciatica. We have a conference call tomorrow night at 9pm our time - hope Laurence and Giovanni show up. I'll need an extra special afternoon kip to stay up for that.

Now having a celebratory non-alcoholic beer.

Belle very upset by Spring Rabbit's remarks about her being a cult and just wanting to flog us things. Lots of supportive comments from non-culty followers, but she's turning off comments for now. Her fault really for publishing Spring Rabbit's email to her. A bit like her reaction when I complained that paying for the sober jump start (a not inconsiderable $270) and I wasn't getting her penpal service and she said very stroppily that I had to sign up to the 100 day pledge, which I complained it did not say on the tin. She'd gone off and looked at my blog I think, which is where I moaned about it. I didn't mind, but she was very defensive and didn't admit I might have a point. None of us is perfect.

Jean Christophe and his brother Xavier arrive at 7.30am tomorrow to start moving the furniture from the house into the stables. We're going to Liguge to visit the monks and going out to dinner for a treat in Coulombiers and to give Delyth an evening off cooking.


  1. Bathroom looks brilliant. All sounds like a very creative community. Thanks


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