Day 27 Thursday 1.ii.2018

Bottled out of the conference call with Laurence and Giovanni last night. Laurence delayed it - I think it happened sort of, eventually. Soren said he'd had a brief chat with Laurence. I never managed to finish my draft paper. May do it now - it's 5.30am and I've been awake since 4. Went downstairs to make myself a cup of tea and found an email from Ingrid, forwarding one from Camilla saying David's been sectioned - a psychotic episode - and is in Bury hospital. I've written him an email which I'll send via Camilla for her to approve / pass on to him.

Absolutely shattered again yesterday, had a kip again after lunch and then struggled out of bed and went back to assembling the sink. I think I've finally worked out the French plug thing. Now for the loo, shower, kitchen sink, and connecting it all to Soren's water supply and Jean Christophe's drain. It'll be funny if I pull it off and it doesn't all blow apart when I turn the water on. And then I've got the electrics to sort out. Thank god I put the temporary cable in - the electrician was supposed to turn up yesterday at 9am to see Andrew but never appeared. M.Ruel and Marie-Dominique and the local Anglican vicar (English) are visiting today. Try and finish my 'paper' and email it to Andrew. Probably bollox and a waste of time and none of my business, but so what.

Could not do any of this, or keep doing it, or have a hope of finishing it, if I was drinking. Couldn't stay here either. I cannot understand how Belle keeps it up, her one minute messages alone would be hard work for me, I can't think of anything interesting to say about not drinking. Ironic that she's called it 'tired of thinking about drinking' since that's all she ever seems to do. Her latest post (I meant to email her) very apt - about her taking on a 68 day off site job and having to get up at 5.40am every morning and finding it all a bit of a strain - just like me here, and having a similar reaction. I do need to prioritise me (and therefore sobriety) over the routine here, and stop worrying about when I sleep / meditate / eat - look after myself, then do the job, then worry about Andrew and WCCM politics and the whole huge and potentially disastrous Bonnevaux thing - it's not my problem.

Drove Soren to Poitiers and Castorama in the new car, which was fun. did not get lost, but spent 100 euros on 25 metres of insulation for the new water pipe - I reckon it would have cost about £25 in B&Q. Andrew owes me. I owe him for my second pack of tobacco. Feel like I'm smoking a lot, but I don't think I am and my chest is definitely better. Just wish the sleeping sickness would go away. I think it's the stress and all this new and unfamiliar stuff. Still haven't started my Babbel French course.

Aden messengered me when he saw I was up. My thought about his bike turned out to be true - not the carb at all but the regulator was incompatible so producing the wrong spark, or something. Google has produced another panorama, this time of the Abbey, which means it roots around in all my photos on drive. Just a shame the original pics were so poor - very bad light / weather.

Must ring / write to Harriet. No comment from her for a while.

I think I'll be all right. It's definitely all a learning experience.

Ironic if a gluten free vegetarian diet turns out to be good for me (even if it does give me sleeping sickness, unless that's carbon monoxide poisoning). I am less bloated, and feel lighter, and crap three times a day.


  1. You will be ok. I admire your optimism and follow the Bonnevaux saga avidly.


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