Day 87 New Year's Day 2018

Fantastic dream, real Hollywood stuff. Gulliver and the Lilliputians. Holding back a flood with hundreds of little things (mostly food, like all the contents of the CoOp's shelves) and then finally diverting it and using all the food that had been removed from the dam to make an enormous meal. Victory and celebration. Very strange. And then I tried to re-dream it, more or less successfully. Seemed to be based on some current Hollywood blockbuster / cartoon but I couldn't / can't identify it. Nice that it involved absolutely no drinking, although there was a lot of liquid (water I assume) that we were trying to stop / divert. Ah Ha!

I rang brother Joe last evening, before it got too late and he might think I was drunk. He sounded genuinely pleased to hear from me (thanks Jane, who told me he'd only stopped talking to me because he'd got fed up listening to me being drunk and not-funny stupid). Said he'd had a good year, and the house is now all sorted. They would definitely not be coming south any time soon, and sort of left it open for me to invite myself up to come and see them. It was really nice to talk to him again, and not feel there were any hard feelings. Maybe him being pissed off with me for being a drunken bum was why he was so rude to me on twitter. Or he was drunk.

Saw in the New Year with a Magnum (choc ice, not champagne). A lovely evening with H talking about everything. Delicious lamb. Felt horribly bloated and that I'd have a hernia every time I coughed when I went to bed.

Reading the London Review of Books. Very good articles on "Russiagate" and "Antisemitism" and Craig Brown's biography of Princess Margaret. An excellent letters page. Far too much writing, as I said to H, you don't need to read the book once you've read the LRB review - which is perhaps the point.

Pol v odd on the walk. H said she looked straight through her when she arrived. I wonder what we did? It's a full moon tonight. She had invited me to join the walk and I didn't really say very much to her apart from thanking her for my lovely picture of the Dalai Lama, and was perhaps rather obviously looking after H who didn't know anyone. Maybe I was supposed to be there as an example to everyone of how kind and forgiving P has been, as opposed to just another guest of Douglas' with another (female) companion. Or she was just having a bad day. Belle's good advice about relationships and dating - all much too complicated.

Angela said how much better I looked than a year ago (she remembered me as being rather miserable then). Probably just my voice.

H dropped me home at 4 just as it was getting dark. A lovely day. Then agonising back ache - Laura has had the lurgy too, and said the back ache was caused by the coughing.

A better night, despite the back ache.
