Day 23 Sunday 28.i.2018

Fell asleep with Jeff Salzman talking about Trump's first year. Not a good idea (Jeff is nice but listening to stuff doesn't lead to a good sleep and he went on for a good hour).

Woke up at 5.47 feeling very unrested. Dozed until 6.45. Soren was up and had lit the stove and was firing up the bread oven. I made tea and lit the fire in the salle a manger and came back up to bed.

A nice slow lazy morning and then off to mass at Lusignan with Andrew and Soren. A lovely Romanesque church, nice singing and service. Everyone very friendly. I went up for communion. Andrew and Soren didn't. We prayed for Christian Unity, but only with the Orthodox as far as I could tell. Very cold.

Home for lunch via Marcay. Thierry had no tobacco (it was coming with the papers I think he said). Soren lit the bread oven with a tremendous blaze and Delith roasted vegetables, baked a loaf and made focaccia. A lovely apple tart for pudding.

Long chat with Stuart about punctuation on Messenger, and then with Felicity and Jane on the mobile I walked down the valley round the lake and through the woods. Below the lake the stream runs clear over pebbles, so might well have small trout. I saw some sanglier tracks and rootings but no sign of the beasts. I may have heard them (or it was distant motor cycles). A very loud owl this morning.

Home for coffee. Jacqueline and family had turned up to say hello with daughters and grandson and a pet wolf with dreadlocks. Soren has done a detailed survey of the gatehouse. He thinks the roof and timbers the only serious issue. And replacing some of the doors and windows.

No snooze, barely awake in meditation, very tired again, having done little or nothing all day. Maybe it's the air. Or the noxious wood gases. Or some dreadful ailment.

Early doors tonight. A busy day tomorrow.

A very upset blog from Belle - she'd been slagged off by 'spring fever' for selling things and filling her blog with adulatory messages from her cult members. I told her to not the buggers grind her down, in cod Latin. Funny how strongly I had felt the same when I started following her blog, very much the same feelings.
