Day 21 Friday 26.i.2018

A lovely fresh picture of Oscar

 which I have made my wallpaper.

Andrew sent me to bed early again which is a nice treat. Totally knackered after a day in pouring rain laying the drains and removing all the spoil. Jean Christophe has spread it on one of the estate roads somewhere - he was very pleased with it as it is full of limestone rubble and perfect for hole filling.

We went shopping and bought a jig saw. Now all I need is an electricity supply to the Edspace / stables. I did spot a generator for 99 euros but resisted the temptation; it was a very neat little package, but after my experiences with Stuart at Lagos Raki I'm a bit dubious about small generators.

I need to make a hole in the floor of the Edspace to connect the loo to the drain and provide a drain for the sinks and shower. It may all be a bit tight, especially the shower. Maybe separate holes for kitchen sink / shower and the wash basin.

I've just read the Economist's leader about the dangers of war with Russia and China, which reads like it was written by some cold war paranoiac from the extremes of MI6 - as if America hasn't been starting and fighting wicked wars ever since Korea, never mind coup d'etats against Iran and most of South America and its still unhinged attitude to Cuba and Israel. The Economist seems to be geeing America on to be even more war mongery than it is already. China has not invaded anyone in a 1,000 years (nor Russia apart from Afghanistan). The whole piece is so terrifyingly partial and one sided, and historically and politically ignorant.

Build shower cabinet, kitchen worktop, sink unit and loo tomorrow. At least I'll be in the dry. Complete the drainage channel (waterproof liner, drain with open top, membrane and gravel on top). Jean Christophe is getting the bits for the drain from Briconaute in Vivonne.

Andrew is going to email Laurence and check that it's alright for me to stay at Bonnevaux. Bit of a bummer if not, as I've rather burnt my boats in England, having given notice to Laura to let my room. I'll have to drag my caravan to Greece, or Ibiza, or Wiltshire. Or Vietnam.

The dream
Mens' underwear ad looking man wearing pale grey briefs (a younger fitter bronzed me, clean shaven, sexy, confident). I've been here before, maybe since I came to Bonnevaux. It feels like a real place, another parallel universe. Lots of content and narrative, but I didn't write it down and it's all gone.

Me as I see myself, when I'm feeling good about myself. Attractive, funny, kind, interesting, helpful, intelligent. When I'm really a short, pot bellied, bald 65 year old, who talks a lot and has opinions and stories about everything, doesn't suffer fools gladly, tendency to paranoia (less as I get older, and a lot less now I'm not drinking), annoying. Not moody, I don't think. Get very pissed off with people who are, or who grumble and whine.

Seem to be very much in everyday mind here (as opposed to Big mind or No mind) - especially frustrating in meditation, constant distractions, thinking about the day ahead, what's to be done, how to do it, fretting about getting back to England by the 15th etc etc. Inevitable really, a new place, lots to do, everyone speaking French, uncertainty about my future. But a bit annoying when we meditate 3 times a day, starts feeling a waste of time (it isn't) so then one stops, and it gets more difficult to get back in to it.

A lovely sunny day at last, perfect for me and Christophe to start laying the gravel on top of the drainage pipe. A load of French visitors arrived - M. Ruel, the architect, and sidekick, and Jean Claude, Jacqueline and Therese from Poitiers. Early meditation which I missed, I was assembling the compost bins, and Delith and Andrew have to get to Poitiers to meet Soren from Denmark off the train.

le france profond - the deepest silence, apart from the TGV which thunders past a few times a day between Poitiers and Bordeaux, sounding like a jumbo jet arriving at Heathrow, and birdsong - including an owl that seemed to be hooting inside the house (one lives in the attics) during our evening meditation. Soren from Denmark arrived safely by train from Paris, and told me all about brick built stoves (much more efficient than iron or steel) which he builds bespoke as a hobby. Very tall and thin, a bit weedy looking (he is a vegetarian), likes porridge for breakfast, seems like a nice man.

Jean Christophe showed me the tracks and snufflings of the sangliers 50 metres from the house, from last night. He and his mate are going hunting for them tomorrow.

Set up the compost bins. Spread most of the gravel, waiting for a last batch on Monday afternoon to finish off with. I have saw, screws and wood so I can start work inside the Edspace tomorrow.

We had veggie stir fry for supper, and Delith bought me some nice 0% alcohol Biere Blonde. Bed time now - 9.30pm.

The electrician will give us an estimate on Monday. I may be able to use the jig saw as intended before I leave. Must book journey home tomorrow.
