Day 2 Sunday 7.i.2018

The pheasant pie  (Nigel Slater's partridge pie recipe) was a great success, and the sauce which was the source of my downfall was delicious too.
Way too much for the three of us, we ate less than a third of it. Ingrid took a copy of the recipe.

They are both doing a dry January (complete - no days off) and we had a very nice evening. I went to bed before Johnny (never known to be awake after 9pm) and fell asleep listening to  Richard Rohr on Christianity and Unknowing (not something Christianity has bothered with much since the Reformation, or even since the conversion of Constantine and Council of Nicaea).

Finished editing Stuart's Chapter 2. 6 more to go.

Johnny gets very shirty, angry and pompous whenever I mention bitcoin or IGIndex. I think he may have lost his shirt on IGIndex (not his hedge fund). Says what I'm doing is illegal, that I should be registered with the FCA, and I could lose everything (or, in my case, a lot of not very much). Ironic, since I was writing rolling average programs for commodity futures brokers when he was sewing seat covers and sails in Vanuatu. He is much better sober though, altogether nicer to be with.

The bike catastrophe - the derailleur unravelled, wrapped around the sprockets and into the spokes and the chain snapped. At least it didn't happen half way home. Try and get it repaired in time for work tomorrow.

I've submitted Belle for the Radio 4 All in the Mind award. I should put this on her blog. She says my stone's in the post.

How hard won those 90 days, how easily thrown away. And now the psychological tedium of getting back to 90, before I'm getting ahead again (which is a silly way to think about it, but it is one less support). Think about it in reverse - now 88 days to where I got to before, tomorrow 87 . . .

And losing that confidence that i'm right, i'm in control, i have all my faculties, i can plan to do things and have a chance I can carry them off. Maybe that's part of the problem - too many plans and projects, not enough focus on the key element - this staying sober, determinedly, every day.
