Day 17 Monday 22.i.2018

Surprise surprise I've lost £250 speculating on bitcoin (it went up instead of down - now it's gone back down again - I think Johnny was right i.e. avoid spread betting and CFDs, stick to digging holes). Meanwhile down at the Abbaye . . . progress continues. My inspection pit has revealed the sewage pipe. Now I have to figure out how to connect the Edspace loo to it. The Edspace is assembled and looks great. Meditation 3 times a day, also great. Delith's cooking also great.

My bed is lovely. I am very tired. I have decided to stay here until February 15th to complete the Edspace plumbing, wiring, and fitting out bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. Also build compost bins, make staircase from main house to stables, and pathway to Edspace. Metanoia and proofreading Stuart's novel taking a bit of a back seat.

Back to England for a week to house sit Pol's whilst she visits mates, then home to pack up my room and caravan and move to Bonnevaux for the indefinite future. Tomorrow Jean Christophe is taking me to the plomberie to buy sewage pipes, plumbing bits for sinks and things, gravel for paths and drainage and to find some sort of water heater for the shower, sink and kitchen.

I have signed up for a year's French course with Babbel.

I think Delith and Andrew are quite pleased I'm staying. I am. It came on me while meditating in the Salle a Manger this evening.
