Day 16 Sunday 21.i.2018

Woke early and went down to make tea and light the stove. It's funny how old and creaky I feel in the mornings - too much time lying on my back.

I think they're doing it all wrong - the big house first. They could have retreats here in 6 months. The big house is like Versailles. It could take years. Put nice modules, edspaces, yurts in the grounds, composting loos, fit up the farm for Andrew and Dilith and catering for groups. Andrew agrees. Yurts are not allowed, Mme La Maire says (she's afraid Marcay will be overrun by foreign hippies).

find the sewer. walk the boundary. check in

the house makes no noise. j-c says the farm/stables are haunted.

Stuart and George worked on the Edspace all day from 8am(dawn) to 9pm. I supervised and dug a hole to find the drain.
