Day 82 Wednesday 27.x11.2017

Son Joe has pointed me at Nassim Haramein's talks on youtube. A fascinating critique of quantum physics and a new theory to account for dark matter and energy - the bit that intrigued me was his thoughts about geometry and specifically the tetrahedron - why a few weeks ago did I design and start building a table based on equilateral triangles, the hexagon and the golden ratio? It's a bit like Rupert Sheldrake's ideas on morphic resonance and the way ideas seem to spread (the growth of crystals, the ringing of complex changes in campanology) - as if these images and ways of thinking about the world are all around us, passing through us like a wave or field and we each respond to them in our individual ways. Also Haramein's idea of the double torus as a basic model for how all systems work, from protons to hurricanes to planetary systems and galaxies. I have seen Hubble images of black holes that look exactly like his double torus - jets of energy hundreds of light years in extent coming out of the centre of the double torus.

And a fascinating book by Adam Phillips - "Darwin's Worms" - about Darwin's and Freud's ideas about death and destruction. "Love at its strongest . . . is an acknowledgement of transcience . . . deaths make life lovable; it is the passing of things that is the source of our happiness." That our ideas about God and transcendence and the (false) division we make between spirit and matter - something Haramein also talks about - are just our fear and refusal of transience (life, in essence) projected. Which is more or less what the Buddha taught.

Haramein also has interesting ideas about the mind and memory - that the brain / body is just a receiver, that memory is somehow encoded in the geometry of space / time, which also parallels Sheldrake's ideas.

The idea that meditation / mindfulness is a way of cleansing and fine tuning the receiver (almost literally in that the brain / mind is a radio receiver and that we can reduce or eliminate the "noise" that prevents clear reception). He doesn't (or hasn't yet) said anything about transmission, although presumably the same issues and concerns apply.

Haramein also talks about the holographic nature of reality - that the entire universe is contained within each particle, that the vacuum of space "knows" what every part of the universe is doing. My poem of a few years back about feeling at the same moment infinitely far away and separated from the stars in the night sky and that they were literally part of me. And that funny occasional experience, mostly in meditation, of the infinite field of glittering dancing points of light. That within any and every volume of space there is an infinite amount of information and energy - the fractal structure of reality. Just as the DNA within a single cell has the information needed to build a whole body so within any cubic centimetre of space there is all the energy and information needed to build a universe. Which is how he accounts for dark matter and dark energy - it is all contained within the vacuum of space, which quantum physics effectively ignores.

Sarah, Joe's (my youngest son) new friend, is a smotherer. She sucks up all the attention in the room. For a therapist and life coach, she was remarkably unskilful at handling her own unhappiness (a nasty cough, a strange new family, away from mum at Christmas). Eventually she checked herself into a literally empty hotel room (a bed, no telly, no reception, no room service) took two sleeping pills and slept for 12 hours, and returned feeling much better, and started all over. Joe is going to meditate when he's ready. Do it now. Just stop. Be the eye of the storm. But he wants to discover astral planes. Or plains. Maybe they're different when they're alone together. It's funny that my late mother in law is so impressed with her.
