Day 74 Tuesday 19.xii.2017

Victory at last, and so sweet. It was a massacre, I almost felt sorry for David, but as he still leads 4 games to 2 and one abandoned, not that sorry.  I must have put my Go head on yesterday morning - it all just clicked. Lovely supper, horrible drive (rush hour on the A1120 - they're all mad), lovely sleep but bed much too late and a lot of lovely organic weed.

Finished off and posted my letter of objection / appeal to the taxman. I think it's perfectly reasonable but I don't imagine he'll agree.

I want to go home and finish my table.

Someone has liked the Hairy Elf's Aga drying rack. I (he) offered to make them one of their own. Set up a facebook page to sell bespoke pallet based furniture to the discerning.

We've run out of oil, so no heating. I think we have hot water.

Fell asleep to Jeff Salzman talking to a Jesuit trained Episcopalian priest about integral Christianity and woke up at 1.30 am listening to someone speaking Portuguese. SoundCloud on auto-play. Doh.

ALL the trains to the West Country on Christmas Eve are fucked. Leave here at 8am and don't get to Bath until nearly 5pm. As I said to the mother of our children, we should have flown with RyanAir via Vilnius - it would have been quicker and cheaper.

Only meditated for 20 minutes, late in the evening.


  1. Goodwill to all persons this year, despite taxman, lack of oil, and Wolfie strikes! Hat Trick


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