Day 72 Sunday 17.xii.2017

Lunch and drinks party today.

This morning's sunrise at 8:06am :

Now I have to see if Google Photos will do its panorama trick again and then submit it to Belle's competition. She may disqualify me because I already tried once and cheated (used a photograph I took on December 3rd).

Rythmos works with nails too! Eleni Kapiri, my sculpture teacher in Moni, on Naxos, used to shout 'Rhythmos! Rythmos you malakka' at me all the time and I couldn't see what difference it made. Now I've discovered that her shouting rythmos inside my head while driving in nails makes all the difference. They just go straight in. She also told me on my holiday in September to stop drinking (and smoke dope instead) which kind of worked. I just didn't bother with the weed.

Max shopping, no booze - a full trolley for under £30.

Having carefully made a template for my glass top and supervised the cutting at Fram DIY I find it's an entire centimetre too long on one side. How does that happen?

I've just tasted my ginger & lemongrass cordial (2nd pressing) - it's very nice.

Now off socialising. Byeeeeeeeeee!
