Day 69 Thursday 14.xii.2017

I made £2,500 profit in a couple of hours shorting bitcoin on IGIndex. Unfortunately it was only a demo and I was using play money. As Felicity said, Daddy don't go there - a quick end to my pension pot - but it was more addictive than video games. Watching the price drop and drop and drop and my profit go up and up and up.

Anxiety - what do I have to do to make it go away? what remains undone? the taxman? sort out my pensions? go to bed early? Have a drink?

Table phase 2 and 3 pics. It is too high. Look, it's 4 tables! (Reversible top, and legs). All I need now is an edge, and a sheet of glass, and maybe a coat of paint.


Belle's competition - mine's the best (most like B's voice), I think.

But the wolfie idea is wrong. I am wolfie. Are all these drinkers man hating feminists? Why is wolfie a male? Are they rejecting their inner man? If I had a wolfie, he's never been a female. Or maybe she has, but me projecting her out there. Is that called co-dependency?

I've finished my ginger and lemongrass cordial. Have to try making my own,

I found a way to link Barbara's loving kindness audio to yesterday's blog (shared it from Google drive).

Designed a proper pannier. I can't believe how crap the one I bought from the bike shop is. It's not waterproof and it's already falling apart. Made for Raleigh in China. It wasn't even that cheap.

I finished Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy, in my dressing gown until lunchtime. Shame he doesn't carry on the story, especially of Logen Nine Fingers and Ferro Maljinn - he'd obviously left it open to go back to, but seems to have lost interest in them. Trouble with fantasies and trilogies, they do go on.

Now I have to read three serious books about death. Or the Spectator Christmas Issue.

The Hairy Fairy (thanks to the designers of the Airy Fairy in the Aga catalogue, but this one's made out of scrap and much cheaper). It's Laura's Christmas present.

I don't want to blog. I want to watch The Detectorists and go to sleep on my lovely new soft pillows. Get some nice big cotton pillow cases.


  1. Love the drying rack. And the table of course - suggest paint it. Why 3 books about death? Let us know what they are. I too tried Belle’s voice challenge but referred to wolfie as his/her.


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