Day 49 Friday 24.xi.2017

Good sleep. Woke with no headache (no beer substitute at the Islington? less coffee yesterday?). Very barky fox three doors down, last night as I had a midnight fag in the garden. A lovely meditate in Adam's old room. Breakfast with Charles & Wissa & Kate (Adam & Georgie's 18 month old, Wissa babysitting today). Left about 10 for Liverpool Street. Have to get to Pol's to drive her to Ipswich Hospital about her dud left eye. Terrific sled run down Highgate Hill and really all the way to Liverpool Street. Caught the 11:02, no-one checked my ticket, and got to Pol's at 12 for bean soup and sourdough. Feeling high as a kite, or rather, just really well and happy, in a not too manic way.

Spent all afternoon at the hospital while Pol had her check up, and she took so long, I began to think her "procedure" too, or death. She was released about 4:30 and we got home  for tea and bath and fish pie and "Howard's End" part one and a nice warm stove in the sitting room. She lent me £50 and I bought an e-ticket for my train back to Wickham Market in the morning. Gallons of Fever Tree tonic water (complete waste of money, tastes like R White's Lemona-a-a-ade) and cranberry. Forgot to buy limes - very important ingredient (am I trying to kid myself I'm drinking Mojitos or Margharitas?)

Anyway, she has wet macular degeneration in her left eye, and will need a course of injections. Prognosis hopeful to good. She tried to drive the car (as in, tell me how to drive the car) but I put a stop to that fairly soon after we left.

A very nice day. Bed and asleep soon after 11 pm.
