Day 43 Saturday 18.xi.2017

Can't help being a little frustrated about yesterday. Blog buggered. Angry with Laura. No meditation. No treat, really. Not achieving very much. Waitrose dark choc ice lollies with ginger and my big supper cheered me up. Very cold all day (another cause for irritation - everyone else in the house lives in a barn!) Bird song / chatter at dusk is lovely - all settling down in their roosts, the owls going out, and even what sounded like a cuckoo (Laura says she thought she saw one yesterday).

I only stuck my nose outside to go and look at Andrew and Laura starting to lay the hedge at the top of the drive. It was funny, L very cheerful then, but within half an hour was cutting me dead and looking daggers. Maybe Andrew upset her.

Stuart very worried by my "ruthless editing" - I think he might think I'm re-writing the book. For which I really don't have time. Mostly changing word order.

Think I may have fixed the comments problem.

A fun morning playing with sketchpad and working out possible designs for my table top.

I have the house to myself (I think - either that or Diana is keeping a low profile in her room. Jack is asleep so he doesn't count). And I feel exactly as I used to when Pol was not at home. And the same irritation / anger when  they are here, leaving the kitchen looking like a terrorist incident and all the doors open. Oh dear. Time to meditate.

Playing with sketchpad all afternoon (instead of actually cutting up wood!). But zigar, zigar . . .

Watched Luc Bresson's Lucy with Scarlett Johanson - brilliant. Now Dave Gilmour's playing at Pompeii (well he was in 2016).

My treat for Day 42 turned out to be Harry's Razor - they're the latest thing, apparently.
