Day 42 Friday 17.xi.2017

Add a 'how to read this blog' bit that everyone will see at the top of the first page. List all the entries (max 50 I think), scroll to the end, more posts, scroll to Day 3 (Day 1 & 2 appears at the top of page 1 for some reason) then (a) alt-click on Read More to open link on a fresh tab, read entry, close tab, repeat step (a) for next entry. NB display labels as I do on my desiderata blog.

upload my videos (try James Corbett's recc. Bitchute?)

fiddling with the blog layout, not very successfully, and getting frustrated. time for porridge.

still wondering how (and if) I might celebrate today. A somewhat artificial anniversary. 42 is of course the answer to life the universe and everything. It's also I'm pretty certain the longest time I've gone without a drink since I lived in the ashram in my early twenties - over 40 years ago.

In the event, I celebrated by not meditating (not a good idea), installing Sketchpad for Chrome and designing my table top (which was fun), having a nice bath, and not going out much. Got very tired.

The bubbles in my bath caught the light in a most wonderful way - the effect was like looking into a galaxy of stars, every tiny bubble reflecting back a sparkling point of light, something I see occasionally in meditation.

Spent a lot of time editing Stuart's book (Chapter 2 has now arrived) and working on Metanoia.

Pol emails, her left eye has stopped working and she wants a lift to Ipswich for a 'procedure'.

Bit of a scare over my btinternet email account. It seemed to have been hacked. I've more or less killed it off, set up an autoreply telling them to text or call me if they want to get in touch, and starting to remove it from my various accounts (Paypal, eBay, WordPress etc). Changed all my passwords.

I seem to have disabled comments here, in trying to improve the theme / layout of the blog. Layout still not right - seems more oriented to blogs with lots of pictures, and doesn't show labels.

Started to get quite angry / irritated (not meditating?) especially with Laura. It's her birthday tomorrow, but she seems to be in a frightful strop - you can cut the atmos with my new and very sharp kitchen knife. One of the many reasons / excuses I used to drink (obliterating anger with alcohol, instead of facing it and dealing with the issues that gave rise to it).

Poor Jack the Sizewell worker has smashed his lovely Beamer into a post. Thank God I do not own a car, especially an expensive flash one.
