Day 33. Wednesday 8.xi.2017

Just keeping track. I had to come here to remind myself what day I had got to.

Despite my late and miserable evening, not helped by:
  • my jaw infection (must seek medical help / anti-biotics today from doctor or dentist) and 
  • watching Kit Harrington's The Gunpowder Plot - very grim, very Game of Thrones in a good way but no short changing on the hanging, drawing, quartering, racking, finger nail extraction and crushing, absolutely no sex (is Harrington trying to make a point?), and historically good too - I was unsure about some of it so checked on Wikipedia afterwards and he'd played it pretty straight, and also
  • being tired, therefore emotional in a surprisingly bad way - depressed and suddenly frightened I was going to crack, so much so that I abandoned my plan to try out my new tent (it was pouring with rain and cold - checked the tent this morning, all dry, if not warm), and 
  • finally turning out my light about 1am, 
I slept really well and did not wake up until 7am which is very late for me.

I have found my skiing hat and gloves which I was accusing the CoOp of variously stealing / throwing away / simply losing, until Helen explained that she had very deliberately given them to me soon after I left. This was pre dry-October, and therefore memory non existent. I had buried the hat and gloves at the back of my walk in cupboard in my tidy up before leaving for Greece.

I've decided not to post this until I go to bed tonight. Constant little updates just mean someone who reads it in the morning MIGHT MISS THE BEST BIT that I add to the post last thing at night. Oh No!

Good day. Did a lot of good stuff on Metanoia. Now just need to write the very last bit, having cleaned up everything I'd already written. Had to tear myself away (think it's important to break off before I get fed up with it). Listening to Dave Brubeck on Spotify - almost more calming than meditating, so cool (in the old sense). Need to re-build my spotify play lists. Or listen to FIPRadio.

Seemed to have done everything on my to-do list (including writing 3 more to do lists). Desk looks ridiculously tidy / organised. List includes stationery items (paper clips, stapler, bulldog clips, cork board - definitely going off my trolley).

Diana / Anaid has given up smoking (I queried her lying about it on Zoosk but she says she stopped several weeks ago. Andrew and Laura don't believe it). A date with Annie next week at the Crown. Momentum get together on Saturday. Belle for brunch/lunch/cake and coffee on Sunday, location still unknown. Social life going off scale. Need more money. Get a job. (err no).

Time for evening meditate. Cooking HelloFresh bacon and butternut squash risotto tonight. Squash?**! I do not eat squash.

Actually it wasn't too bad, and lots of it. Dosed myself with Ibuprofen and anything else I can find in Laura's medicine chest. Bring on the dentist.
