Day 31. Monday 6.xi.2017

Well bedtime went well. Screens off at 10pm. Listened to the Westminster Hour a.k.a. Sex Scandals on Sunday. Read a page of the Speccy, managed to turn off lights before expiring. Woke at 4.45. According to Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, I need the last few hours (of my daily 8) for dreaming, and if I don't dream my brain will clog up with proteins that cause Alzheimers. Always noticed how when I stopped drinking for two or three days, I slept badly, but dreamed a lot (and usually I very rarely recall dreaming). Also lack of sleep damages the immune system (I know that, always get toot aches if I've not been sleeping properly / drinking a lot), causes anxiety, depression, BPD, suicide, stroke, chronic pain and of course the end of the world. I'm probably worrying about this (I'm not really, but I think the no screens bedtime idea is good) because I'm not sleeping enough.

On the other hand I need to work on my getting up in the morning routine. As in, have a cup of tea and a fag, and then meditate. Not faff around until lunchtime fiddling with Metanoia and trying to work out if Google Docs is capable of intelligently replacing straight single quote marks with smart open / close and apostrophes. Eventually found an add-on that did it, but by then I'd so mucked about with the document trying different things that I ended up doing even more faffing to clean up after the add-on had done its stuff. Also discovered that my problem with the Chromebook is often just the touchpad / mousepad having a hissy fit. Plugged in Laura's mouse and everything was hunky dory. The Chromebook is still inexplicably slow at times and I won't be able to use it to re-typeset the book for publication, so I need a half decent laptop with OpenOffice on it. Spoke to a computer shop in Leiston who may be able to help. May get a Ubuntu / Linux laptop. Or just bugger on with the Chrome and try and revive my O2 netbook, or borrow Laura's spare PC.

Broke down the second pallet for my table project, and cooked my big hot pot. Hello Fresh arrives tomorrow so more cooking required. Wrote what I thought was a witty and amusing piece for on MeToo! There may be a twitter storm / facebook unfriending fest but as I'm ignoring both I may not notice.

A new drink - ginger ale and cranberry. Ginger ale is not dry enough.

A good day. So far.

Came across a very good piece on Medium - - it isn't about willpower. Simone Weil said something similar ("In only have a very small amount of willpower - just enough to show me that my will cannot achieve anything"). It's a problem I've been grappling with for years, and kind of understood a while ago that I had to drop willpower. It just doesn't hack it. You have to want what you're aiming for, and create the conditions in which that can come about.

Cooked myself a horrible supper - the hotpot wasn't too bad, but the cabbage was terribly salty - hardly surprising as I added both soy sauce and salt!

Felicity has given me a brilliant idea for the cover of Metanoia. I'll have to paint another picture.

Belle sent out a very timely reminder, to keep the tank topped up. I turned off the telly and meditated for half an hour at 9pm. One the many pluses of not drinking - I can meditate at 9 at night (as opposed to fall asleep or pass out). And I needed it too.
