Day 30. Sunday 5.xi.2017

Sweffling church for communion at 9:30. Lunch with Johnny & Ingrid, Fred and Sophie. Erect tent - make sure all the bits are there. Fred's army gear could be useful. Dismantle 2nd pallet.

A slightly better managed bedtime and a good sleep. Must do something about my jaw. Having to take aspirins at night to sleep. Ironic if I give up booze and die of jaw cancer à la Freud. Or should that be au Freud? He refused to take anything but aspirin until he decided to die - then I think a massive dose of morphine. He wanted to remain conscious until the end. As do I.

A lovely clear November morning. A bit of a headwind for my ride into Framlingham, but at least it will blow me home.

Montaigne (quoted by McCrum near the end of his book). "We know not where death awaits us: so let us wait for it everywhere. To practise death is to practise freedom. A man who has learned how to die has unlearned how to be a slave."

It's funny how forms of abuse (of drink, drugs, sex, perhaps everything) are both an attempt to hide from death, and a way of rushing towards it. For all of us, death is the end of our story, and some of us are impatient to get to the end. Booze is one way of dealing with impatience.

Day 30 today. Quiet satisfaction rather than hurrahs. I'm looking ahead to Day 42 - Friday November 17 - good old 17.

Nice church. Very simple, but friendly. Nice ride into Fram to do shopping and go for lunch, but very cold. Checked with Helen about my hat and gloves - she says she gave them back to me when I came in after I'd left. Somewhere in my cupboard? Bought a cabbage and lots of oily fish for my Alzheimers.

Lovely lunch. Bought two Sole Star LA beers and a bottle of Signal Post for the table. Rather shocked to realise that 2 pints Sole Star = 1/2 pint of beer at 4% (which had I been offered I would have refused - I didn't even taste the communion wine). Don't do it again. Nice to meet Sophie Siem. Very hyper, almost manic, talked a lot and too loud. Ingrid aired the house so thoroughly I kept me coat on until Fred and Sophie arrived.  Fred agreed it was freezing so Ingrid finally let us shut the doors, windows, skylights and french windows.

Cycled home at 7pm. A lovely day. Snack supper and telly. Screens off at 10pm. Radio or read only, or music. 5 hours sleep is not enough. I will blow up.
